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Armani's beautiful self mm

Long As We Got Them

Armani (POV)

I opened my eyes to the sun shining brightly through the blinds, resulting in my eyes feeling a slight sting due to the sun's rays. For some strange reason my head was in excruciating agony especially around the edges if my head. I was about to tell mama Shelia until I rolled over on my side causing braids to flow over my left shoulder. I then remembered that Chandra did my hair the day before.

She told me that these particular braids were from a movie called poetic justice and she thought they would look perfect on me, she did them smaller than the usual style though. I thought the color was hideous, but it actually came out quite nice. I loved it.

I rose up from the bed reaching my arm over to the nightstand so that I could take my medicine. I walked out of my room preparing to go to the bathroom, but as soon as the door opened I was hit by a mouth watering aroma.

Don't get me wrong I could throw down, but mamma Shelia had me beat in the kitchen. If I could I would sit up with her all day just watching her work her magic.

I stood in my doorway inhaling the delicious scent a little while longer before I continued with my daily morning ritual. I stumbled my way into the bathroom and got the glass cup I kept by the sink so that I could take my pill. After swallowing that rock of a pill I went ahead and brush my teeth and washed my face. Once I was done thoroughly rinsing my mouth, I walked out the bathroom ready to discover the source of that amazing smell.

I slowly walked down the hall, using the wall as my support system. Since I was depriving myself of food for three days my body had taken a major blow considering my condition. I needed all the strength that I could get, and me not eating only heightened the amount of medicine I needed to take.

I hated being doped up on that bullshit all the time— I hated drugs period, I didn't want them in my life in any shape, form, or fashion. Hardcore drugs ruin lives. They may make you feel good for a few hours, but as soon as you come back to the real world, the pain or whatever the situation you're running from is still there; and it was waiting patiently for you to return so that it could continue to torment you. If anything it makes it worse.

When you use drugs you begin to lose yourself just as my mother did. My mother lost her mind trying to run away from her problems, I tried to help her and convince her drugs was not the way, but it was no use. She considered heroin as her only escape. She lost her way, but I never lost my hope. Even though she's gone now, her beauty is still etched deep inside my memory, even her flaws and imperfections were stunning.

She was the type of person that was exquisite and graceful without even trying, and I strongly believe that if she would have never met David Anderson her life would still be intact and she would be doing better than ever. Which is all I ever wanted for her.

As the kitchen came into view I felt my heart grow with a sense of warmness. It made me smile seeing August and mama cooking together, so in sync with one another. I'd never known August to cook, but with a mama like ours he was probably cooking before he could walk.

Walking further into the kitchen I let the concoction they were making fill up my nostrils even more. I walked over to the counter and leaned up against it so my legs wouldn't give out before my medicine kicked in.

"Have my eyes deceived me, is that my beautiful baybeh." Mama Shelia said as she dried her hands.

Her dramatic ways made me realize where August and Mel got their exaggerated antics from.

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