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Kali's bad tail in the mm

I'll find out

August 27,2010

Armani (POV)

I woke to the empty bed and sighed out of frustration, knowing he was gone already. This 'living arrangement' is something I don't think I can handle. Over these past years I've grown to love August's presence. It's as if he's my shield, my knight and shining armor and I'm the damsel in distress that needs to be rescued. Only I didn't need to get rescued, I just needed him around.

I hate the fact that he got kicked out into this cold ass world, It killed me to know that this is what he turned to; selling drugs as a living. The same type of drugs that fucks your mind and make you see your problems in a different perspective. The drugs that make you think everything in your life is solved and somehow every disagreement you had in life has somehow magically vanished.

One thing that is certain is those drugs destroy lives, not just the users but the suppliers. They are just as bad as the people they supply, their greed for money and respect is what gets them in a heap of mess and trouble. They enable these people to keep coming back for more, until the point they can't function without it, they become feigns, it's sickening. True enough it's not all the dealer's fault-they have to survive too- but they play a big role in distributing the drug out.

It pains me to say it but, in the game Mel and August are playing you usually end up in two places; jail or six feet under. I just want them both to end up by me and their other loved ones side for forever and a day.

I sighed one last time before raising up out of the bed and checking my phone. I offered to get Aug one but he said he already had one since 'business' was doing good. We would talk on the phone from time to time, but it wasn't the same as being around him.

Going straight to my notes I looked over the kind words August told me before he left. He always told me I was beautiful and to have a great day and tell Kali he loved her and missed her dearly.

I got out the bed and walked into August's old room.

One plus about him leaving was Kali got to stay in his room while I got my own. Thank god, because she sleeps just like him.... wild as a hog.

I pushed her door open and stopped in the door frame watching her intently as she drew all over her white pants.

"Kali August said he luh' and misses ya'."

"Really,"She turned to me with excitement, that quickly turned to sadness,"I miss him so much Mani."

"I know, imma' figure sum'n out." I sighed to myself.

Silence settled between us as she continued to do her thing with her pants. Letting my curiosity get the best of me I walked completely into her room and took a seat on her bed.

"Kali what'cha doin'."

"Bein' creative'." She replied never taking her eyes off of her.....project.

"Creative?" I questioned.

"Mama Sheila said I was creative and I should express that, so dat's what I'm doin'."

"On da' pants dat' I brought fa' you."

She looked at me, then back at her pants shrugging her shoulders, completely dismissing my statement.

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