A Special Night

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*Couple Months Later*

{CJ's POV}

Today's the day Jas and I find out what we're having. I'm real nervous. I don't care what it is, I just need a healthy baby. It would be nice to have a boy and to carry on the name, but a little girl would be perfect too.

We did our best to hide it for the first couple months, but she started showing and of course questions were asked. And of course we got looks from people but we didn't really care. My teammates are excited and want it to be a boy, of course. Has and the only two girls that she's ever hung out with know and they're excited as well.

We ditch school early to go. We pull up to the doctors office and while we wait, I flip through some of the baby magazines. We finally get called back and I sit there while she goes through her check up and everything. We finally get to the good stuff, the only think I really wanna know, if it's a girl or boy.

"okay....the moment you both been waiting for for a few months now. Ready to find out what you're having?"

"More than ready." I say.

"Yeah, we're ready." Jas adds.

"Looks like you two will be having, a baby girl."

I smile. "A baby girl...man she's gonna be spoiled already. My sisters are gonna have their way with her."

She gets cleaned off and we get the sonogram pictures. Before going back home, we stop somewhere to go to lunch.

"I'm extra excited now." After we get seated.

"Yeah, baby girl gonna be spoiled. I can't wait to see and hold her."

We have a good lunch then head home. She comes into my house instead of going home and being lonely. We cuddle on the couch and watch tv.

"You still down to go to dinner tonight with my family?" I ask.

"Yeah...what's the special occasion?"

"I honestly have no idea. My dad just said tonight was gonna be a special night."

"Oh, well yeah, I'm still down."

"Cool." There's a knock on the door and I get up to go answer it. "Yoooo!!!" It's CeCe and Cayleigh. They weren't suppose to be here till tomorrow...I guess that's why today's a special night because we're all together...I don't think much about it because my sisters are finally back home.

"What's up baby bro." I give them both a hug at the same time.

"I thought y'all weren't coming till tomorrow?"

"We changed our flight last minute and here we are."

"Soooooo what are y'all having?"

"Dang...can y'all get settled in first before the questions start?"

"Nope. Spill it."

"Come in the living room and Jas and I can tell you together." They follow behind me, but sit in my spot next to Jas to give her hugs, and rub her belly and stuff.

"Alright...we need to know."

"Fine..." I look at Jas and she gives me a nod of approval. "We're having a girl."

"Yes! I told you. You owe me 10." Cayleigh says.

"So y'all making side bets over my kid."

"Yup and I won. I was hoping for a girl. She wanted a boy."

"We need more boys. It's like 5 of us girls, including mom."

"Oh well. Another girl is being added...so do y'all have names?"

I look over at Jas because she picked the two names we were deciding between.

"So, if it was a boy, we both came to the obvious name, Colin Kaepernick the third...but can't do that anymore. Now we're deciding between Ariella Rose or Kenzie Leigh."

"I love those. Either one will do."

"Thank you."


{Demi's POV}

Colin wants to take us all out to dinner tonight. I'm excited for a family dinner. It's been a while since we've all had dinner together, and the twins are leaving for Panama City next week for spring break. Colin finally agreed to let them go.

"Baby, you almost ready?" Colin asks walking into my closet.

"Almost." I look over and he looks damn good. All most too good to leave the house, but I'll save my thoughts for later. "You look really, really good."

"Thank you. And you look very beautiful. You just get hotter and hotter with everyday that passes."

"Stop it." I say fixing his tie.

"I'm serious though..." I can feel his eyes looking down on me and I look up to meet his gaze. "Come on, I think the kids are downstairs waiting."

We go downstairs and everyone's on the couch watching tv, waiting on us. We load up in the truck and get to the restaurant.

Dinner goes by smoothly. They girls catch us up on everything that's going on at school, and CJ and Jas tell us the news about them finding out they're having a girl. So many good things about tonight. Colin asks for the check and we wait to bring it out. I look over and Colin's staring at me.


"Nothing it's just that you're very beautiful." I look down and blush. Feeling the way I did when I first met him. "I have something for you." He stands up and reaches in his pocket, pulls out a black box and slowly gets on one knee. "I love you so much, and we've been through some shit, but let's do this over forreal...so would do me the honor of marrying me again, or renewing vows...whichever you wanna call it." He says nervously.

"Yes...I'd love to." He takes my original ring off, and slides on a brand new one. He gives me a kiss and the kids start cheering and clapping.

"Alright, alright, enough." Colin says.

"So I'm the maid of honor right?" Cayleigh says.

"Uh, no. I am." CeCe retorts.


"She loves me more than she loves you."

"First off, I love you both the same. We'll
talk about it later."

The waiter finally brings out our check, Colin pays and we head home.

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