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{Colin's POV}

While I should be busy doing work, I'm currently looking up marriage retreats. I wanna go somewhere far, well not too far, but far enough to where it'll be just me and Demi, and other couples who are going through things and maybe we can strengthen our marriage. I've forgiven her and all, but this is still necessary, and maybe, just maybe we can find that love we had when we first started dating.

There's a knock on my door and it's Cali. "You wanted to see me?" She asks.

"Yeah, I did...sit down."

"Am I in trouble?"

"No. Why would you be? Somethin I need to know?"

"Nooooo." She gives me a confused look.

"What I called you in here for is to talk to you about college choices. Signing day's a month away."

"I know that. I just need a little more time, I'll have my decision by the end of the month. Right now I'm trynna focus on getting through January and getting to playoffs in February."

"Fair enough."

"So is that all?"

"Yeah, that's all."

A little later around lunch time, I get a pleasant surprise from my beautiful wife.

"Hey beautiful."

"Hey baby...I came to take you to lunch."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, unless your busy with something else..."

"Nope...I'm free...and even if I did have work to do, it can wait." She smiles.

"Okay...lets go then."

"Let's go." I say opening the door. "We takin your car or mine."

"We can take mine...I am taking you on this date after all."

We leave and get to the spot we're gonna eat at. We get situated in a booth and start looking over the menu.

"How's your day so far?" I ask.

"Oh you know the usual...spending time on the couch watching crime shows and such."

"Sounds exciting."

"It gets a little monotonous to be honest..."

"Well do something else then."


"What's one thing you're super duper good at...something that no one could touch you in...even if they tried." I say and raise an eyebrow.

"My singing days are over."


"Because I prefer to be a mother than be in the studio and on the road 24/7."

"Okay...well start pursuing your advocacy work full time again. You be havin a lot of shit on your mind, start speaking out on it again."

"That's about the equivalent of touring."

"Not really. Demi, you have so many options, it's ridiculous. You just have to explore them, and you have mine as well as the kids support. I have a job that allows me to be home in order to have dinner ready, help the kids with homework, all that stuff. Do what you do, whatever that may be."

"Why are you so amazing?"

"I don't know, I just am." I shrug my shoulders. "There was something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Okay, what?"

"I was looking up marriage retreats.."

"Marriage retreats?"


"Why? We're fine."

"We may seem fine, but I still think it's something we should do. Strengthen our marriage."

"Okay..lets do it. I'm all for making our marriage stronger considering everything we've been through."

"Good, I'm glad. We can get my parents or one of them to stay at the house while we go.."

"How long?"

"There's a session for a whole Colorado..."

"Colorado...we're about to be freezing our asses off."

"We'll keep each other warm."

"Mmm, I'm looking forward to it now."


Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat