Chapter 20

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A week go by and it's New Year's Day. Colin and I decided that we don't want another big wedding. Well, I decided I didn't want another wedding. I just want something small. And by something small, I mean, going to the justice of the peace. We don't need our parents or anyone there. It's just gonna be us and the kids. So it's kinda like we're eloping because we're not really telling anyone. They'll just see the rings and put two and two together. We just left the court house to get it done, and I'm officially Mrs. Kaepernick again. We leave, and head back home. "So have you came up with a honeymoon spot?" He asks. We can't go on any type of vacation just yet because they have a play off game in a couple days, and if they move on, which they will, then they'll have another game. The Superbowl's in we'd have to wait till then. "I haven't, but I did come up with the idea of including the kids in it..." "I don't see why not. I think that'll be fun. We haven't really went on a family vacation yet." He says. "Exactly. We need to start taking them least once a year." " pick somewhere, and we should go during their spring break..." "That sounds like a good idea." "I's a great idea actually."

"So when are y'all moving back?" "I don't know. I'd rather us find a new house first, before we move all of our stuff into your house, then having to move everything back out. So I say lets just worry bout it till after you win a Superbowl." "I love how confident you are in me." "What kinda wife would I be if I wasn't." "A very bad one" he says and we both laugh. "Exactly. But know that I'm not just saying that because I am your wife. You're a damn good football player...I was watching ESPN the other day, and one of the analyst said that when your career is done, your name will be on the list of one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever play the game." "That's all I ever want. For people to remember me as the best." "And they will."

{Some months later}

{Colin's POV}

After racking up another Superbowl win, finding a new house, Demi and the kids moving back to San Francisco, finally feels like my life is back to normal. Nothing makes me happier than to wake up every single morning to take my kiddos to school, and pick them up every day. Or going outside to ride bikes, play basketball or go to the park. They're my pride and joy and I just love being with them every day. After the Superbowl, I continued my training right away. I train at our facility, and do some light work in our fitness room at the house at night, which is what I'm doing now. Demi walks in, with her hair in a pony tail, towel and water bottle in hand. " asleep?" "Yep...CJ was the last to fall." She says walking over to her soul cycle. She finished filming for the movie, and it's gonna be released in a next month. We spent the summer with her while she was filming. It was either that, or stay here for the girls to play basketball, and they chose to go with Demi. Maybe because they thought they were gonna hop on camera, and they did....if fact, we all did. I got my Leo Dicaprio on, and played an extra. I think I did a pretty good job. I had one line.

While we were gone, Demi and I never missed a day in the gym. We didn't bring anyone to watch the kids, so we took turns going. "So training camp's around the corner. Ready for it?" " always. I mean, can't you tell by the beard" I say stroking it with my hand. "Yes. That scruffy little beard, and nappy hair." "Sound like you hatin, but imma let it slide." I say then hop onto the pull up bar and start doing pull ups. I do a set of 15, and I catch her staring while she's pedaling. "See somethin you like?" "I do indeed." I give her cocky smirk, and continue to work out. She finishes the bike, and comes over and grabs my butt while I'm doing squats. "Aye." She giggles. We finish working out, then go shower and get in bed.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now