Chapter 39

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{Colin's POV}

When Cali and the twins come back from playing basketball, after they shower, Demi and all the girls leave. I have no idea where they're going, but they're gonna do their thing. I go downstairs to find CJ and he's in the game room, shooting pool.

"Mind if I join you?"

"go ahead." I grab a pool stick off the wall, and put some chalk on the end of it while he racks them up.

"You break." I say. He breaks the pyramid and sends 2 solids into the pocket.

"Getting better at that I see."

"I do okay." He says being very short with me. He hits another one in. The next one he misses, and I take over. Hitting 4 balls in a row in. I can feel tension in the room and I want it to go away.

"Listen..." I walk over to him and lean against the pool table. "You're a good kid, with a bright future of ahead of you. I just don't want to see anything get in the way of that. That's why I'm so hard on you."

"I understand that...and I apologize for disobeying you."

"I appreciate what do you say when we finish here, we hang out and me."

"Ummmm...jas is coming over today." He says. I smile.

"CJ be real with me...this stays between us. You like her, don't you?" He doesn't say anything. "You can tell me. I won't tell your big mouth mother either."

"Yeah man, I like her. A lot. Always have."

"Have you told her."

"Well not was more indirect.."

"So like a kiss?"


"So that's why you like walking her home..."

"No. My father always told me to be a gentleman..." I smile.

"So why haven't you made things official with her. It's obvious that you both feel something for each other."

"I don't know."

"You don't know because you got a ton of girls at school who are distracting you. Go for it Jr. What time is she coming over?" When I say that, the doorbell rings.

"That's her."

"Make it happen." He nods.


{CJ's POV}

I go to the door to let jas in.


"Heyy.." She says stepping in.

"It's quiet in here."

"Yeah, it's just me and my dad."

"Where's everybody else?"

"Out somewhere with my mom."

"Hey Jasmine."

"Hi Mr. Kaepernick."

"I'm gonna order that cool?"

"That's fine Mr. Kaepernick."

"Add some wings with the dad."

"You got it." Jas and I go to the game dad giving me a look as we walk by him.

"You look beautiful today....well, you always look beautiful." I say..feeling myself blush a little bit.

"Thank are you ready for this beat down..."

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now