Chapter 12

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I pull up at the girls school and park so I can walk them in. I grab Cali's bag and get her out of the seat, and get the girls out. They hold their backpacks up to me. "What?" "You ave to hold our backpacks." Cay'Lyn says. "When did this start?" "Mommy does it." "You know little high maintenance children." I say taking their backpacks. We walk into the building and go to Cali's class first. The twins stand by the door while I walk her in. She shows me where to put all her stuff. "I'll see you later kiddo. Have a good day. I love you." "Love you daddy." I give her a big hug and kiss. I wave to her teacher before walking out. We get to their classroom. "When are you coming again?" Cayleigh asks. "Next week." "That's a long time." Cay'Lyn says. "It'll go by fast. I promise....I need some love before I go." They smile and walk into my arms. "I love you both so much." "Love you too." They both say at the same time. I give them kisses on the cheek and hand them their backpacks. "Have a good day." "You have a good day too daddy." Cayleigh says, which makes me smile, then I leave.

{Demi's POV}

I'm such a hypocrite. I divorced a man for cheating on me, and here I am doing the same thing to another person.....with the guy that cheated on me. I need to get my shit together, but first I need to come clean. Lying only makes things worse. Later in the afternoon, I tell Kellen to come over. As I'm putting CJ in his high chair to eat lunch, the doorbell rings. I let Kellen in and he follows me into the kitchen. "Hey little guy." "Hi kellwan" he says giving him a high five. "'s your day going?" He asks. "Good...I uhhh. I need to talk to you." "About what?" I take a deep breath. "I'm gonna be honest with you because I'd rather own up to my mistakes than hide them...last night, while Colin was here, we.." "Don't." He says cutting me off and grabbing his keys and walks to the door. "Kellen.." "What?" "I'm sorry." "I'd never do something like this to you. Ever. Get your shit together and figure out what you want." He says then leaves.

{Colin's POV}

Once I get back, I shower, and get dressed for practice. I get to the facility, warm up, and head to the weight room. After that, we head to field, and afters Anquan and Michael watch some film with me. Once we're done with film, we decide that we wanna go back to the field and work on routes. Even though we've won a few superbowls, we still want more, and that doesn't mean that we don't have stuff to work on. We work on that for a good hour, then I hit the locker room to get cleaned up. I'm the last out the shower. I put the towel around my waist and walk to my locker. "How's Demi doin?" Michael asks. "She's good man. She's happy." "Damn...I thought y'all woulda been back together by now." "Shit, me too. But she serious bout this other dude, and she ain't trynna give me another chance, so it's time I move on." "What about that Brittany girl you were messin with?" "She ain't nothin serious. She likes to fly out here, and I ain't gone say no. I mean, I know y'all seen the girl." "Yeah bruh. She nice" Anquan says. "Yeah, so you know whenever she feel like comin out to see me, I'll let her." I say shrugging my shoulders. I get dressed and we leave at the same time.

As we walk out the facility, out of no where I get popped in jaw. I look up, and it's Demi's boyfriend. I hop up quick, and Anquan and Michael hold me back. "HELL NAH. LET ME GO." I break free and they grab ahold of me again. "I'm only gonna say this once. She doesn't want you anymore, so if it has nothing to do with your children, leave her alone." "I'M GONNA KILL YOU....SON OF A BITCH!" I say trying to break free. "KAP!" "It's not worth it bruh!" "You heard me. Keep your hands off her." He says then walks to his car and drives off. "Man let me go!" I say agressively breaking free from them. "Yo you good." "Nah I'm not good. I'm beat his fuckin ass next time I seem him." "You don't need to do that. Your career is more important than that fool." I taste blood in my mouth. I grab a shirt out my bag and wipe the blood from my lip, then bounce.

I'm beyond pissed off...he's lucky he caught me off guard, I swear I would have beat his ass like there was no tomorrow. Damnit, I'm just so pissed off. Pissed off to the point to where I sped home, and almost got a damn ticket. Cop let me go because I told him I'd give him tickets to a game. I get home and asses the damage that's been done to my face, which isn't much. My lip's busted and that's about it." That entire night I couldn't sleep. I was still just pissed off and wasn't gonna let that shit go. Luckily, tomorrow is my off day, and I'm flying out to LA. Fuck taking the high road and shit. Little fuck gone think he has some power over me, and imma let him know what's real.

The next day, I catch a flight to LA and get to Demi's. I knock and she opens the door. "Where is he?" I say walking in. "Where's who? ....Kellen?" "Yeah. He came to the practice facility yesterday, punched me then drove off." "Are you serious?" "Do I look like I'm playin." I say raising my voice. "Where is he?" "I don't know; at home..but you need to calm down before you do something you're gonna regret." "Where does he live?" "I'm not telling you that." "Demi...I'm serious." "I'm not telling you." "S what. Now you're trynna protect this little pussy." "No. I'm trying to protect you." "Protect me?" "Yes. You. If you lay a hand on him, this is all gonna fall back on you. Be the bigger person and walk away." After she says that, I calm down completely. "Where's CJ?" "Taking a nap." As soon as she says that he walks in. "Well...was" she adds. He walks to me and I pick him up. "Did I wake you up?" I ask. He nods and rests his head on my chest. "I'm sorry lil man." "Well I was gonna wake him up soon any way so we can go pick up the girls." "Why don't you just have them ride the bus." "Don't you think they're still kinda young for the bus?" "No." "Of course you don' you wanna go pick them up with me." "Sure your girlfriend will be okay with that." She rolls her eyes. He has no other choice but to be okay with it. Come on, we should get goin."

{Demi's POV}

We get to the girls school, and Colin goes and gets them, and I wait in the car. I send Kellen a text message. "I know you're mad, but we really need to talk about this. Can we go have dinner somewhere?" Surprisingly, he texts back. "I'm gonna be busy tonight...are you free in the next hour, I can come over." I look over at Colin and the kids who are walking towards the car. I don't want him and Kellen over at the same time. That's not a good idea. "Ummm what about in the next couple hours?" I reply. "Yeah. Sure, that's fine." Colin gets the kids in the car and we leave. We get to the house and he works with the twins on their work, CJ and Cali keep each other company and I make them something to eat. PB&Js for the kids, and I know Colin's hungry, so I make him a couple sandwiches. After they finish eating, he gets ready to leave. He gives all the kids hugs and kisses. "Thank you for finding inside of you to let it go." "I'll never tell him this, but in a sense, he had a right to. I came on to you, and I was outta line for that. After listening to what you said, it finally clicked that I should move on and let you be happy, because that's all I want for you." I smile. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and leaves.

A little after he leaves in the cab, Kellen gets here. He walks into the living room to say hi to the kids and we go to my room. "I know I messed up, and I'm sorry...but punching him...really?" "I'm tired of him coming on to you, because I know that's how it went down. He needs to realize that you don't want him anymore." "And he has. That was out of line. He still has to come around because of our children and you doing that is gonna create so much hostility." "As if he already didn't have any towards me." "Look whatever's been done, is done. There's no more sense in bitching at you about it. I'm more concerned about us." "Do you still love him?" "No. I don't.....but, I think I love you." He pulls me close. "You think?" "I do. I love you." "I love you too." He says and gives me a kiss.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now