Chapter 7

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{Colin's POV}

Later, I go get the girls from practice and Demi stays with Dylan and CJ. I pick up Cali first then we have to wait at the twins' school for them to finish. Cal goes inside to go shoot around. They all come out and we head home. "So....your sister got suspended today." "Dang Cal...what'd you do?" Caylyn says. "I didn't do who are you talking about..." "Dylan." "Noooooooo." The twins say. "For what?" Cali asks. "She pushed a girl down and kicked her in the face...." "Are you serious? Why?" "Apparently she was bullying Dylan, but failed to tell me and When you get home, you can talk to her of course, but she's grounded, so she may not join y'all in the game room or anything." "That's a little harsh don't you think...she's only 7 daddy." Cayleigh says. "She knows better." "Damn. That sucks." "Watch your language." "Soooo dad. Can Cayleigh and I go to the mall the Saturday." "I don't see why not. You have your own money right?" ".....not really...we were hoping you or mom will take care of that for us." "Sure...who else are you going with." "Some friends from school." "Okay, it's fine with me, and I'm sure mom will be okay with it too."

{A few days later: Saturday}

I take drive the girls to the mall and pull into the parking spot. "I have something for y'all." "What?" "Here" I say handing them a couple of brand new credit cards that has their name on it. "Please, please do not lose these. They're yours. You have a $250 limit. Use it wisely. If you try and go over that limit, the card will get declined, and I will get a call from the bank....I don't want to get a call from the bank. We on the same page?" "We're on the same page. Thanks daddy." "Yeah, thanks." "Have fun." "We will." They get out and go inside. I see the guy Derek walking in the parking lot and I pull up next to him. "Hey Mr. Kaepernick." "Going to meet my daughter." He freezes up. "I was young just make sure you don't take advantage of her, and make her happy." "Don't worry Mr. Kaepernick. I really like Caylyn and I won't do anything to hurt her." "I believe you...go have fun." I say and he walks away.

I get home and Dylan's on the couch watching tv. "Daddy..." She whines...she wants something. "What's up sweetie." "Can I please go outside and play?" "Now what did we agree on..." "That I'm grounded till I go back to school on Monday...but I learned my lesson daddy." "Yeah. But still gotta follow through with your punishment Dill." "Okay." "Where's mommy?" "Upstairs."

I go upstairs to our bedroom. "Baby..." "In here babe." She says from the closet. I walk in and she sitting by her jewelry case. "What's up baby?" "Do I really come off that strict to the girls where they have to sneak around and meet boys at the mall." "Who's meeting who?" "I saw CeCe's little friend Derek when I dropped them off. Am I that bad to where they have to lie." "Sometimes....Colin they're growing up. They're gonna start liking boys..." "I know..and that scares the shit out of me D." I say sitting at the other stool. "I scares me too, but it's gonna happen." "I know...maybe you need to talk to both of them. Have a real heart to heart conversation...or maybe just CeCe. Cayleigh doesn't seem to be that interested in boys just yet." "I plan too. We need to put together a sex education 101 session for them." She giggles and I give her a serious stare. "Oh you were for real..." "Yes...I'm dead serious..." "That's gonna be so awkward for them...they were cringing so hard when I had the period talk." "Don't even bring that up. I was cringing myself." "You weren't even there." "Yeah, but to know my little girls are becoming young women just...ugh..." I say shivering. "But awkward or not, they need to know these things, and I can easily exaggerate, and scare the shit out of them." She laughs. "Do what you do babe." "Oh we're gonna do this together." "Okay. Fine. You get all the content ready." "I'm actually leaving that for you to do." "How the hell do you suggest this, then leave it up to me to come up with the lesson." "I gotta deal with practice, watching film and all that. You know how it goes." I say then walk off. "Colin!" "Get it done babe!" I yell.

{Cay'lyn's POV}

We go in the mall and meet up with everyone in the food court. Derek comes straight over to me and gives me a hug, while everyone stares and guesses what's really goin on. We aren't official, but it's safe to say that we're talking. "We'll catch up with y'all later." He says and we walk in a different direction. My sister texts me.

Twin👯💜: But why are y'all so cute though?!

Me: byeeeeeeee Cayleigh!

Twin👯💜: 😘😘

"Who got you smilin all hard, because I'm positive that's my job?" He says, and that makes me smile. "It's my sister. She text me saying that we look cute together." "Well she's right about that....I mean, I think we look good together. I don't know why I waited this long." "Better late than never right." "You what are we?" "I don't know, you tell me." "Well it's not like we're just barely getting to know each other...we go way back to the fourth grade, so I say we skip the 'get to know each other phase' and you become my girlfriend?" "I'd love to." He takes my hand and we start walking and go to a few stores and then we meet up with everyone again at the food court. "Well, well, well...." "Couple alert." "Shut up y'all!" Derek says. "I mean, we all saw this coming to be honest." Cayleigh says and all 5 of them nod. We hang out and eat at the food court then my dad texts me saying he's outside. "I'll call you later.." Derek says. "Okay." Then he gives me a kiss. "THAT'S MY BOY!" Brian says. "Man get y'all some business. Talk to you later." "Bye."

We get home and I go to my room to put the pair of shoes I got away. "Hey sweetie, can we talk?" My mom asks. "Sure..." "What'd you get?" "A pair of shoes." "You are your father's daughter..." "I am what'd you wanna talk about?" "Here, sit down."she says sitting on my couch, and I sit next to her. "Growing up is obviously inevitable, and as you grow up, I know you're gonna start dating..." She says then gives me a look, as if she knows something. " know huh?" "Yeah...I do." "Does daddy know?" "Yeah, he does. He spoke with Derek in the parking lot at the mall." "Is he mad?" "He's more upset that you didn't tell him....I'm a little upset you didn't tell me to be honest. You should be able to share any and everything, with me." "I know...and I'm sorry I didn't tell you." "It's okay, I'll get over it. Your father might wanna talk to'll give him some peace of mind." I nod. "'re not having sex are you?" "Mom, no." "I'm just asking." "Where's daddy?" "He said he was going to watch film for tomorrow's game..."

I go downstairs to his film room. "Hi daddy." I say nervously. "Hey CeCe." I sit next to him. There's an awkward silence as he just stares at the screen. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was scared." He finally turns away from watching film and looks at me. "I know. I'm sorry for being so strict and stubborn. Just know its to protect you. But I talked to Derek. He seems like a good guy....and I guess I....approve." "Thank you.." "So is he like...your boyfriend now." "Yeah.." "As long as he keeps you happy." I smile. " do you plan on attacking that tough Seattle defense tomorrow?" "Well...from looking at this numerous times...looks like I'm gonna have to attack the middle of their defense. That's where they seem to be the weakest." I look at the screen with him and I see exactly what he sees. "Yeah, that sounds like that'll work." "You gonna stay and help me break some more of this film down."I think I'm gonna go work out...and go shoot around....hardwork and dedication right?" "That's right." "I love you daddy." "I love you too." I give him a kiss on the cheek and walk out.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now