Chapter 7

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Some days go by, and ever since the night I had dinner with Kellen, we've text and called each other just about everyday. I can literally talk with him for hours, and some times it's just about stupid, random things. He invited me over to his house for dinner tonight, and I'm kinda nervous. We haven't hung out since that night, but I'm going to his house. I've been able to get to know him a little better, buuuuut, I'm still a little nervous. This week went by super quick though. Colin should be bringing the kids back in a couple days. I miss the, so much and can't wait to see them. They'll face time me just about every night before bed and tell me about how they went to the zoo, or something fun they did that day. Can't wait to have them back home.

{Colin's POV}

The kids have a couple more days with me. I've enjoyed having them here, and I'm gonna try to see if Demi will let me keep them for the summer, if not, half the summer. I'm not gonna be too . I'm up before they are to make breakfast. We got this waffle maker last night from Walmart because they wanted waffles. So I got some other stuff like more fruit, because they eat that shit like its candy. Whipped cream, chocolate chips and any other thing that can go on top of a waffle. Once the foods almost done, I wake the, all up, get their teeth brushed and sit them down for breakfast. "Daddy....what are we doing today?" Cay'Lyn asks. "Well....I was thinking that later today, we can go have lunch, then go to the beach...I'm sure you guys are tired of the pool by now. How does that sound?" "Good...I just hope a lot of people don't ask to take pictures with you." "Yeah daddy. It's annoying." "I'm sorry. Next time I won't take anymore pictures okay." They both nod. They finish eating, then we take some of the strawberries and go feed them to Sammy. While they lounge around and watch TV, I get some things booked. New photoshoots for Nike, and a couple magazine shoots. Later I get them ready for the beach.

{Demi's POV}

Later that day, I get ready for dinner. Nothing too flashy, just jeans, boots and a nice shirt. By the time I finish getting ready it's about 7. But before I head out, I call the kids so that way, they don't call and I'm at Kellen's house, and Colin's just gonna start asking questions. I FaceTime Colin's phone and he picks up. "Where are the kids?" "Hey to you too Demi....they're right here. Hold on.....mommy's on the phone." He says handing it to Cay'Lyn. "What are you guys up to." "Watching TV." I see the twins, but don't see Cali or CJ. "Where's Cali and CJ." "On the floor with daddy, playing with CJ's cars." "How was your day?" "Good, we went to the beach." "Did you have fun?" "Yes." Cayleigh says. "We miss you." Cay'Lyn says. "I miss you guys too. Just a couple more days." "Okay." "Give the phone back to daddy for me." "Yo..." "I wanna talk to CJ and Cali" he puts them on the. Screen and I tell them how much I love and can't wait to see them. "We're gonna go see my parents tomorrow. They asked about you and hope you're doing okay." He says. "Aww that's so sweet. I have to call your mom. I haven't talked to her in a few weeks." "Yeah you look nice; goin out?" "Yep." "Where?" "I called to talk to my kids, not for you to ask a thousand questions." "Alright, I'll fall back." "I'll call the kids tomorrow, probably around the same time." "Okay." He says and we hang up. I grab my purse and keys and leave the house. I don't know why, but the closer I get to his house, the more nervous I get. I don't know why I'm getting nervous. We've been on a date already, I text and talk to him everyday...I don't know what the hell there's to be nervous about. I pull up to his house and park to in the drive way. Before I get out, I get a text from Dallas. Her and Ben are the only ones that know about Kellen and I talking.

Dallas: Have fun tonight😏

Demi: Goodbye Dallas.

Dallas: You're no fun😒

I roll my eyes, close out my messages, get out and go knock on the door.

He opens the door. "Hey." ", you look beautiful....come in." He says standing to the side. I walk in and my eyes start roaming. "Nice house." "Thank're just in time. I just finished dinner." "It smells really good in here." "And it's gonna taste a lot better than it smells too. He takes my hand and we walk to the dining room. He pulls out my chair and I sit down. He leaves to the kitchen and comes out with our food and sits it on the table. Then leaves and comes back with a couple of wine glasses and a bottle of wine. "So I got this because you mentioned that it was your favorite kind." "You're a good listener...and's a big stress reliever." "Excited for your kids to come back?" "Very excited. This break was nice, but I'm ready to get them back." "I'm sure. You talk about them, a lot. So it's very clear that you miss them." "Hey, I warned you they'd probably come up in every conversation we have." "I know...and I didn't even say it was a bad thing. I love how passionate you are about your kids and being a mom..." "Yeah well they're my everything." "As they should be."

We finish eating, and refill our glasses and go sit on the couch. "So you're a pretty attractive come you're single." "Well, I do a lot of traveling, with my band and stuff, and just haven't found the right one yet. This break is allowing me to actually give my time to someone, which is why I'm glad you told Dallas yes. I like talking and hanging out with you. I hope we can make this a frequent thing, you know when you have time." "I feel the same way, so maybe we can work something out." "Would it be too forward, if I asked for a kiss." I smile and shake my head no. He leans in for a kiss, and I end up on top of him. Something about this felt right. "You're so beautiful." He says pushing my hair back while staring into his eyes. "Thank you." We lay on the couch, and watch TV. It's 1 in the morning when I decide to leave. "Sure you don't wanna stay.." "No...I'm okay. But thanks for dinner...maybe we can do this again tomorrow; at my place?" "Sure. I'd love to." "Great. See you tomorrow night then." I say then leave.

{Colin's POV}

Today's my last full day with the kids and I don't want them to leave yet. We just pulled up to my parents house. I let the twins out and they run straight to the door and knock. I get the little ones out and carry them inside. They love seeing my parents, and they really keep the kids entertained. Hours go by and my mom starts making dinner, and I go in there and see if she needs help. "Need any help." "Sure...Wanna cut this onion for me." "Yeah, I got you." "So I got a call from Demi...she seems to be doing well." "Yeah, she is...from what I've seen. It's kinda frustrating a little." "Why'd you say that." "I honestly didn't expect this to last this long. I messed up. I know that, but we didn't go through everything we've went through to have it just end like this. I know she wants what we had back, she's just too stubborn to admit it." "Or maybe she's just moved on Colin." "Nah. She's just stubborn. That's all."

{Demi's POV}

Kellen comes over, we have dinner and we end up on my couch, cuddling, and watching crime shows. He finds my obsession with crime shows a bit weird, but I can tell he's getting into them as we keep watching. I end up dosing off and wake up the next morning to knocks on the door. I open my eyes slowly and realize Kellen is behind me, and I'm wrapped up in his arms. I quietly get up and my phone is buzzing off the hook too. I look and it's Colin. "SHIT." I say looking at the time, and I totally forgot that Colin was bringing the kids early today because he has to fly out soon. I go to open the door, and realize, Kellen is still on the couch. "Kellen!" He doesn't move. "Kellen wake up!" I say shaking him, and his eyes jump open. "What's wrong?" "I need you to go to my room...Colin's at the door." "Are you serious right now?" He says in a really...really sexy sleepy voice. " come on....take that with you." I say grabbing his phone and shoes. I grab the two cups we had and put them in he dishwasher and go answer the door.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora