Chapter 16

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The next morning I wake up to my alarm going off at 6:15 as usual to get the girls ready for school. "Turn that thing off." Colin groans. I reach over, still in his grasp, to grab my phone, and I turn it off. I try to get out of bed but he pulls me closer. "Where you goin?" "I have to get the girls ready." "They can stay home." "They've already missed a couple days..." He loosens his grip and I get up. It felt good to wake up next to him...for the first time in a while it felt like the old us, which is something I eventually want us to get back to. He's got a lot of work to do. I get up brush my teeth, wash my face, throw on jeans, shirt and shoes and go wake the girls. I get them ready and give them breakfast bars and fruit. While they eat I go out CJ in the bed with Colin, just in case he wakes up before Colin does.

The girls give Colin a kiss before we leave, and he pulls me back by the wrist. "I need a kiss from you too." I bend over and give him a kiss. I can hear the girls gasping in the background. I walk out of the room and we leave. "Are you and daddy back together?" Cayleigh asks. "What makes you ask that?" I ask. "He went to sleep in your bed." "And you kissed." Cay'Lyn asks. "Yes. We're back together." "So we get to move back with him?" "It's not that simple, but don't worry about that right now. Just know that you won't have to worry about us not loving each other, because we do....and we love you girls and CJ very much." We get to the school and I walk them in. I get to the house and it's quiet, which means the boys are still sleep. I walk in the room and see the cutest thing. Colin already sleeps weird...if his arms aren't around me, he sleeps on his back, with his right hand up by his face and mouth open sometimes....and CJ's in an identical position. I have to take a picture and post it.

"My boys😍❤😴"

Hopefully this will be a little subliminal message to all of Colin's groupies that he's no longer single...

I get back in bed and fall asleep. When I wake up, Colin and CJ aren't there, but instantly smell bacon. I look over on the night stand and theres a vase full of roses. i smile while picking up the card next to it.

"Thank you for giving me another chance. I don't think words can express the feelings I'm going through to know that you're back in my life romantically. It's been proven that no other woman can compare to you. No other woman can make me feel the way you do. I promise to do right by you, because I can't afford to see you hurt again. I just can't wait to make this promise official by sliding that ring on your left ring-finger, and sealing it with a kiss. I love you Demetria Devonne Lovato, and I alway will. Love, Colin"

I shed a couple tears while reading it, and I pull myself together. I get out of bed and brush my teeth again and head to the kitchen. I walk in, and see colin by the stove, and CJ sitting on the counter opposite of the stove, next to a bowl of batter, and flour in his hair and on his face. "Hi mommy." He says. "Good morning have flour all over you." "Yeah lil man's been helping me out." I walk over and hug him from behind. "Thanks for my roses, and the note." He turns around. "I really am grateful for you giving me another chance, and you won't regret it either." "I know I won't...I missed you so much." "I missed you too." He gives me a kiss. "So what am I to you a boyfriend..." "I don't know....I think, because I mean, there's no ring on my finger, and our marriage legally ended a year ago, so technically boyfriend is your correct title." "That just sounds weird." "I know." "Come on let's take a selfie, so I can introduce my new girlfriend on Instagram and make my lady fans mad." "You mean groupies..." "Yeah. Whatever." We take a picture of me kissing him on the cheek, and he posts it.

"Meet my beautiful girlfriend; Demi😘"

We both sit there and laugh at the comments for like 30 seconds. "We're childish." He says. "Yeah...kinda. But it's fun." He giggles and finishes the food.

After breakfast we go chill on the couch. "So you know we have properly consummate this new found relationship? I mean it's only right that we do." I look down and laugh. "Well we can't do that with this one awake." "You're right. And that's why I say we take him to the park around noon, tire his lil ass out, then we come back and get busy till it's time to get the girls." "Why don't we just wait till tonight...when they're all asleep." "Oh that's round 2." "Of course." "You're such an idiot. Fine...I'm not the one to turn you down....sometimes." "Yeah...when you not butt hurt and in yo feelins." "Oh like you've never turned me down when you were feeling pressed......Okay." "Okay okay. Touché." He says. Some time goes by and we get ready to take CJ to the park. We get to the park and Colin keeps CJ company while I sit on the bench and watch them. "Look mommy." CJ yells as he's about to go down the slide. He smiles as he slides the whole way down. He goes back on the playscape and plays.

I go through my social media and see that, TMZ posted a story about Brittany and Colin. I look into it, and it's talking about how she posted a picture of Colin with the caption "Preggers by @kaepernick7" but then deleted it seconds after and it kinda pissed me off. I know that it's not his, she just wants attention and I refuse to have her ruin things. So now there's talks about her post, and then the post of me and him that he made earlier, and people are just confused and making up stories of their own. "Babe..." He looks over my way. "Come here." He walks over. "Have you seem this?" I say handing him my phone. "What the's not mine. It can't be." "I know it's not. She deleted the post seconds later...she only wants attention." "Got that right." "Where does she live...I just wanna talk to her." "Nah, that might turn into something more. It's not worth it. You know the truth, I know the truth...that's all that matters." "Fine. She better hope I don't see her somewhere random...because I'll give her a right hook to the jaw and be done." "Chill out rocky." "Just sayin."

We get back from the park, and both Colin and CJ fall asleep on the couch. So much for consummation. I knew he'd be the one to fall asleep as well. He was having just a little too much fun at the park. I'm gonna let this Brittany girl make it. She's pregnant, and I'm gonna just take the high road. Let there be another incident involving her and then I'll take action. While they take a nap, I take a shower and change into comfortable clothes. I sit on the couch watch TV till it's time to get the girls, and they're still asleep by that time. "Babe...I'm gonna go get the girls." "K..." He groans then turns his head. I leave and head to the school. Once I pick them up, and not even 10 minutes into the car ride, they're sleep. I take a picture of them both and post it while we're at a red light. "A day in the life of pre-k and 1st graders. Less than 10 minutes into the car ride and they're out like the lights. Must've been a long day." We get home and the girls get cranky because I woke them up, the minute they get in the house, they go back to sleep. CJ and Colin are finally awake. Once the girls wake back up, they do homework while I cook dinner. After eating dinner, they get ready for bed, I clean the kitchen while they do so and that nap they took messed them up for the night. They're taking forever to go to sleep. CJ is asleep already. "Alright, but for real...y'all need to go to bed." Colin says. "But really. No more long naps for y'all." I say. "Come on Demi. We just gone turn the lights off on them." They laugh and think it's funny, so we do indeed turn off the lights and walk out. We get to the room and shut the door. We lay down, and he's on top and can't keep his hand and lips off of me. "They're not sleep yet. These walls have ears." "They'll be okay. Stop making excuses." "I'm not..." He shuts me up by planting a kiss on the lips. I just happen to look over and 3 little girls are standing at the door. I tap on his arm. "What?" "We have company." "Aw hell nah." "Don't be like that." He gets off of me and they come get on the bed. Cay'Lyn starts jumping. "No ma'am. Lay your butt down and go to bed." He says. "Maybe another time." I say and he rolls his eyes.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now