Chapter 64

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{Demi's POV}

Friday rolls around and I take a drive to San Francisco and make it just in time for the start of the football game.

I see CeCe sitting with Dylan and I walk over where they are.

"MOM!" Dylan hops up and gives me a hug before I can sit down.

"Hey baby." I hug her back tightly. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"I missed you too Cee."

"Sure." She gets up and walks over to the section where all the students are sitting.

"What'd you go to LA for?"

"To go, and figure stuff out."

"You couldn't do that here?"

"You ask a lot of questions, you know that?"

"It's good to answer questions though."

"It is...but I'm here now."

"For good?"

"Let's watch the game." I put my arm around her because it's a little chilly out tonight and I can tell she's cold.

The boys skate by with a win. 24-10. CJ being CJ as always or Kap being Kap, as his teammates call him.

"Let's go down to the field and talk to daddy." She says and before I can say no, she's already up and walking towards the stairs that lead to the field. The security guy let's us on to the field and she runs over to Colin. I slowly make my way over there.

"Congrats on the win. Good game." I say.

"Thank you. They've been workin hard all week." CJ's in the middle of the field shaking the opposing team's players' hands and he glances over and sees me standing here. He turns his back and heads towards the locker room.

"Where you stayin at tonight?" He asks.


"Forget about it. Stay at the house."

"It's okay. A hotel is fine. Kids don't want me there. I wish you'd be somewhat of a father and let them know that treating me the way they are is unacceptable."

"Do you think I have. But their emotions are strong and once they feel a certain way, it's hard to convince them to feel otherwise. Give them some space."

"That's kinda hard to do. I'm their mother."

"Yeah well, their mother should have thought about doing what she did before she did it."

"Why are you acting like you've never cheated."

"Please don't cause a scene out here."

"What, you don't wanna talk about that huh?"

"We've both done some pretty lowdown things to each other in the past. Who cheated on who first and went WEEKS without telling me. Who got pregnant. And I turned around and did the same thing to you. We both had a clean slate after all our little scandals until now."

"And I'm sorry for that."

"That's not good enough." He sighs. "I'll talk to the kids again, for your sake and if they don't budge, it's somethin you'll have to deal with. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go talk to the team." He says then walks off.

"Hey Mrs. Kaepernick." Jasmine says walking over.

"Hey sweetie. How are you?"

"I'm good."

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now