Chapter 4

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{Colin's POV}

Some days go by and Cayleigh and I have been having a blast. I wish they all were here. We go to practice then go to do whatever it is she wants to do, and either go out to eat, or get some pizza. I think I've gone over board with the sweets, but I know that when she goes back with Demi, it's gonna kale chips and green juice every single day. We're on our way to practice, and she loves going. She thinks she's the coach, it's so funny...and my coach goes along with it. We get there and we head to the locker room. We get to the doors of the locker room and she waits outside so I can make sure everyone's dressed, and they're not, and I have no idea where Leah, one of the staff members that works here, is. She usually takes her while I get dressed before and after practice. I reach into my bag and take the blind fold out. "Aright kiddo. Gotta wear this till I get dressed." "K." I put it on and go inside. She sits inside my locker till I'm finished. Once I'm done, we leave and head out to the field. She holds my helmet for me as we walk to the field. I walk her over to the sidelines. "Here you go daddy." She says handing me my helmet. "Thanks sweetie." I bend down to give her a kiss. I look over on the sideline to check on her every once in a while and every time I do, she's passing the ball with one of my teammates. After practice, she goes with Leah while I watch film for a couple hours. After I finish, I go find them, and they're in one of the offices. "Hey." I say standing in the doorway. "Are you done now?" Cayleigh asks. "Yeah, I'm done....thanks for looking after her." "It was no problem." "Come on daddy." She says walking out, pulling my shirt, dragging me out of the doorway. "Cayleigh that was rude, I was talking." She doesn't say anything and keeps walking. "Cayleigh..." "I'm need food and a nap." She says. I laugh and shake my head. "How does pizza sound?" "Good." "Okay. We can pick it up on the way home."

{Demi's POV}

Today, Dallas, Maddie and I are having a sister day. Something we haven't done in a while. Our parents are watching the kids for us. We spend the day shopping first then go to lunch. We get to the restaurant and get seated. We spark up a conversation while waiting for the waiter to come back to take our orders. Being the prying sisters that we are, we ask Madison tons of questions about if she's dating someone. We hardly get to see her because she's always filming or something. "So enough about me, when are you gonna get back out there and start dating?" She says. "When pigs fly." "Seriously Demi. Just because the first the didn't work out, doesn't mean your love life is over." Dallas says. "It kinda does. You know Colin was suppose to be the one. The one I have a bunch of kids with, and grow old together." "Well you have a bunch of kids....who knows, maybe you'll find someone else to grow old with." "Y'all aren't listening...besides, I told you...Dallas; I'm not dating for a while. My hearts still broken and I don't wanna let anyone in right now. Not while I'm a mess." "Maybe a new guy can mend that broken heart, and clean up Colin's mess." Maddie says. "Good idea!" Dallas says. "Well I have always been the smart one." You both are impossible." "No. You're impossible." "What the hell am I gonna look like bouncing back into another relationship. I haven't even bed divorced for a whole month yet." "Who says anyone has to know. Just start the 'talking' phase first. We're not asking you to screw the guy, get married and have 5 more kids." Maddie says. "Pshhhh. I am!" Dallas asks. "She needs to get some." She adds. I'm about ready to just walk out on them, but then I realize, Maddie drove. "What about Wilmer? He asks about you a lot." Maddie says. "No." Dallas says. "Hell no. Look if he hasn't found someone by now, he's probably destined to be lonely." "I got it. Ben has a friend...he's really cute, I can hook you up." "For the last time. No. Check back with me in a year."

Some days go by and Cayleigh comes back today. I'm so excited. I miss my baby so much, and I'm not exactly sure how I'm gonna survive with out having CJ here with me. They should be pulling up any minute. There's a knock at the door, and my dad gets it and in runs Cayleigh, and she goes straight to Cay'Lyn for a hug, then gives a Cali and CJ one. "Hey." I say as colin walks in. "Hey...y'all ready?" He asks. We're gonna take the kids shopping, and take them to do something fun before they start school in a couple days. We go out for pizza before continuing the fun for the day. Waiter already took our order for the pizza, now we're just waiting. "So you girls ready to start school?" Colin asks them. "No" Cayleigh says. "Why...I thought you weren't scared anymore." "But what if these kids are mean." "Don't worry sissy. I got your back" Cay'Lyn says. Colin and I both smile. "You'll never know until you try opening up to just try." "Okay." "Cay'Lyn what about you." I ask. "Mhhm." "Have you found a daycare for this little cutie?" He asks pinching Cali's cheek and she smiles. "I don't think I'm gonna put her in one. If I need to go to the studio, then she'll come with me or my parents can watch her." "She needs to be in daycare learning before she gets to school next year." Our conversation is interrupted by the pizza being brought out. "So I suppose CJ will be going to daycare right? Not just hanging around with daddy and not learning anything?" "As a matter of fact he will. He's gonna start on Monday. Anything else you'd like to know?" I roll my eyes at him. We get back to my parents house around 8:30. We g next door and the girls start getting ready to take a bath. "I need to talk to you." I say. We walk outside and I crack the door to make sure I can see the kids. "I want CJ to stay here." "What? No. We agreed he was coming." "Yeah, but now I'm changing my mind. He needs to stay here, and maybe when he's 4 or 5..then he can." "You just want to baby him." "Colin he's only 1." "Fine. Keep him. I'm not bout to sit here and argue with you." He says then walks inside.

{Colin's POV}

I'm just so tired of arguing with this woman. It's getting old, so I just let her keep CJ. I wanna enjoy the last like 30 minutes I have with the kids before I make this drive back to San Francisco. I go back inside and Demi follows me. She takes the girls to the bathroom to take their baths, then I send CJ in there. All three of the girls come and join me on the couch. "Daddy are you leaving today?" Cay'Lyn asks. I nod. "Why can't you move here?" "Because sweetie, I have to go to work." "Football is work?" "Yeah...I get paid for it...but I'll be back soon to come and see y'all." "Promise?" "Of course." Soon, CJ comes running into the room. "Now that your brother is done, time for bed." We walk over to the bed. "Prayers first." I say and we all get on our knees, put our heads together and bow our heads. I tap Cay'Lyn with my elbow to let her know she's leading us. "I do it all the time." She whines. "Yeah well you're gonna do it tonight too. Come on, start praying." She prays and afterwards we all say amen. "See, that wasn't so bad." "I love you kids so much." "I love you more daddy." Cayleigh says. "Me too." "Me too" Cali repeats. "Me too" CJ says. I give them all kisses. "Good night." I sit there and watch them all fall asleep. "Alright well I'm bout to get outta here. I need to hit the road." "I'll walk you out." I say bye to her parents and she walks me outside. "Demi what are we doin. For real. This ain't us...all this arguing and shit. We work through our problems. You and I both know this divorce was a mistake." "No. It wasn't. It was the right decision." "Was it the right decision for them?" "You should have thought about that before you got another woman pregnant. They should have been the first thing that came to your mind, and you should have been a man and backed out." "I'm sorry. How many times do I have to say it." "I know you're sorry Colin, but is that suppose to make me feel better, because it doesn't...the kids will call you in the morning when they wake up." She says then walks in the house.

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