Chapter 26

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{Colin's POV}

I go pick up the girls, and I'm praying and hoping that nothing went down between Cali and this Alex kid. They better be just friends. The girls get in the car and I drive off.

"How was the movie."

"Great." CeCe says. We get home and I stop Cayleigh before she heads upstairs. If there's anyone I can get information out's her.

"Cayleigh bug..."

"What do you wanna now daddy?" She says while sighing.

"This Alex kid...what's he like?"

"Uhhhh cool. Ya know. Just like any regular...friend." She says with hesitation.

" there something you're not telling me."

"Of course not."

"Don't lie to me."

"Okay...well. Alex is a girl."

"Oh....well, why didn't you say so?"

"Cause uhhh....." She says and raises her eyebrow.

"Cali's girlfriend?" I say.

"I guess you can say that."

"In a way, I'm a bit relieved to hear what else has been going on. No boyfriend for you or anything?"

"Nope. Still single."

"Good. Keep it that way. What about CeCe. How's things going between her and Derek....that you observed."

"Uhhhhh they're good. I guess."

"You guess? You'd tell me if something went down between them right? And I mean anything. From arguments to sex." She doesn't say anything. "Cayleigh..."

"Yeah dad. I'd tell you. But they seem cool."

"Alright. Go ahead and go upstairs, and get some rest." She nods and heads upstairs. I make sure the house is all locked up then go to my room, strip down and get in bed. I send Demi a text.

Me: Cali has a girlfriend.

Seconds later, my phone's ringing.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" She says as I answer.

"I swear. But you can't say anything until she comes out about it."

"She didn't tell you."

"No..Cayleigh did."

"You know Cali will be pissed that Cayleigh told you.."

"That's if she finds out, and she never will. Unless SOMEONE opens their mouth..."

"Your mouth's bigger than mine." She retorts.

"Is not."

"Is so."

"You know what. I'm bout to go to bed."

"Whatever big mouth. Talk to you in the morning. I love you."

"I love you more.


{CJ's POV}

"CJ! WAKE YOUR BUTT UP! GET DRESSED. LETS GO!" My pops yells walking in my room. I look over at my clock and it's 7am. A week till school starts, 2 weeks till football begins. I haven't worked out all summer and it shows. First morning of workouts and I know he's gonna try and kill me today...and the rest of all our workout sessions. I get dressed and meet him downstairs.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz