Chapter 3

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{Demi's POV}

Cayleigh and Colin leave, and I get ready to head to the studio to record a couple songs for two Disney movies that are coming out soon. Then after that, go look at a few more houses. I'm excited because my girls love Disney movies and it'll be cool for them to hear me in one of them. My parents are gonna watch the kids for me, but before leaving, I wanna talk to my dad to get a different perspective on CJ staying with Colin. "Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?" He nods and we go to the family room. "What's on your mind?" "I need some advice. Colin.....he wants CJ to come and stay with him...he wants to be the one to raise him...should I let him?" "Well, it's not like he's a bad father Demi, and even though I raised three girls, I can understand where he's coming from." "I just don't wanna be away from any of my kids." "How do you think he feels?" "But that's his fault. He's the one who cheated on me dad." "I understand that, and I'm not saying what he did was okay, but at least try it out." "'re not making this easy dad." "Divorce is never easy." "Fine.....I'll let him go." I say standing up. "It won't be so bad. I think CJ might actually enjoy opposed to being around girls 24/7." "Yeah...I guess so...well I'm off to the studio...I'll be back later." "Okay." I go see the kids before I leave. "Okay. Mama needs love." They give me hugs and kisses. "I love you." "I love you mommy." Cay'Lyn says. "Love you" "wuv you." "Be good!" "Okay." I walk out and get in the car. Before starting it up, I send Colin a text message.

D: After thinking about what you said, and talking to my dad, CJ can stay with you. It'll be hard, but I do what you to have a prominent role in his upbringing.

C: Thank you for understanding.

D: You and Cayleigh have fun this week.

C: We plan to. I'll let you know when we make it back home safely.

D: Okay.

I pull out of the drive way and head to the studio.

{Colin's POV}

Demi texts me saying she's gonna let CJ stay with me. I'm glad that agreed to it, instead of being stubborn and making this difficult. "Daddy." "Yeah sweetie." "Why aren't you and mommy together anymore?" "Because....daddy made a mistake." "Did you say sorry?" "Yeah...but Cayleigh, sorry wasn't enough for this mistake." "Are you gonna have a new girlfriend?" "No....who did you hear that from?" "No one...." There's an awkward silence. "Are we gonna have fun?" She asks. "Of course we are." "What are we gonna do...well, we have to go to practice, unless I call your old baby sitter to watch you while I go." "No..I wanna go with you. I like going to practice with you." "Okay...then after practice we can do whatever it is that you wanna do." "Really?" "Yup!" About half way through the trip, she's still awake. I thought she woulda been sleep by now. "DADDY!" She yells over the music. I turn it down. "Yeah sweetie?" "When are we gonna get home?" "We still have about another hour and a half." "That's so long. Why didn't we fly?" This high maintenance little girl. "We can probably fly when I bring you back." " butt hurts." I giggle. "You'll be okay." "I'm hungry again." "Okay." I stop at the first fast food restaurant I see and it's Chick-Fil-A. I get us both something to eat and we get back on the road. After she eats, she falls asleep, and I turn my music back up. We finally pull up to the house. I got something a little smaller than what we had before, but I got enough space in the back for a pool and basketball court. She's still asleep when we get here. I grab her bags, then take her out of her seat. "Cayleigh..." "Hmmmm.." "We're home." "K. I'm still sleepy." She says as I unlock the door. I take her to their room, and lay her on the bed. I go back to the living room to watch TV until she wakes up.

{Demi's POV}

I get to the studio and to record the song for the movie. It's for a movie called frozen. I'm singing a song called "Let It Go" and it's the single version. I'm excited about this. I really like the song, and I know my kids will like it as well as other kids. It's a super catchy song that'll get stuck in your head. It's already stuck in mine as I'm walking out. Soon as I get outside there are paparazzi, waiting with cameras, and flashes go off immediately. I cover my face with my hand as I walk to the car. They shout out tons of questions and I ignore them. I get to my car and even as I'm trying to drive off, they still won't stop taking pictures. I quickly drive away and head to go meet with the realtor to look at a couple more houses. I've already seen 3...I just wanna see a couple more. That takes a couple hours and I end up loving the second house that I saw today out of all five houses that I've looked at I decided to go ahead and sign for it. I love my parents but living with them, along with 4 kids is just too much, and that little pool house isn't enough. It's not fully ready yet, and I have to wait a few weeks before I can actually move in. I get back home and the kids are in the backyard with my parents. "Mommy!" Cay'Lyn says running up to me and jumps in my arms. "Hey sweetie." "Where'd you go?" "To the studio, then I found us a new house...wanna see it?" She nods. I go to the pictures in my phone and show her. "Like it?" "Yeah.." "Did you have fun with grandma and grandpa." "Yeah...I miss sissy and daddy already." "Maybe we can FaceTime with them before we bed." "Okay." I put her down so she can go play. My phone vibrates and it's a text message from Colin. I open it and it says,

C: Have you seen this?

And long with the message is a picture of an article and the title reads "Colin Kaepernick & Demi Lovato; Divorced?"

I find it, and there are several articles involving us all because the pictures that were taken of me today, showed my left hand that didn't have a ring on it. Something I always wore when I was married.

D: Well I guess it was bound to come out right? I reply back.

C: Yeah but I ain't for all these headlines bashing me.

He replies then sends me all these articles that were out in minutes after the divorce speculation. Some of them are spot on in terms of cheating, but the others are just brutal. They'll make up anything to try and get readers.

D: Lets just not make any comments on it. These headlines are so out of line, but you and I both know who you are. Our family and friends know who you are, and that's all that matters. He doesn't reply.

D: What's Cayleigh up to?

C: Nothing....we're cuddled on the couch watching Cinderella.

D: That's so cute. Any big plans for the week?

C: Practice...then whatever it is she wants to do. But she was tired of sitting in the car after the drive, so we just chillin in the house today.

D: Okay. Well I'm sure the kids will wanna talk to you before bed, so they'll be calling later.

C: Okay.

I go sit down on the couch we have outside and watch the kids play. Today was pretty successful. I got the entire song finished, next thing is to shoot the music video...which will be in a couple weeks, and I'm really excited for that. After this song, I think I'm gonna take another break from the music scene, and get back into acting. I wish I could do both, but I can't when I have four kids to take care of. I can, but it'll be hard. I haven't acted in so long, but I'm excited about it. I've already told my managers and she's getting a couple auditions lined up for me. Later that day, after getting the kids ready for bed, they facetime with Colin and Cayleigh until they get tired. CJ is the first one sleep. He's snuggled up really close to me as he is every night. Cay'Lyn and Cali tell them good night then fall asleep. "Goodnight Cayleigh. I love you." "I love you too. Night mommy." We hang up and I lay in bed, on go on Instagram and twitter. I haven't posted or tweeted in a month.

I notice Colin took "Husband of the beautiful, talented, Grammy award winning pop star, Demi Lovato❤💛🐻" out of his bio. I guess it's time I do the same, and take "Wife of 4x Superbowl champ, Mr. I don't get tired; Colin Kaepernick❤💛🐻"

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now