Chapter 8

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{Cayleigh's POV}

After coming back from the mall, I go upstairs to my room. "Hey.." I look towards the door and its my sister. "Dad knows about Derek." "How'd he take it? Did he flip out." "Actually, he was pretty cool about it." I give her a shocked look. "I know. I was shocked myself...I'm about to go downstairs and hoop..wanna join?" "Yeah." After playing basketball, I shower and hit the sheets. The next day, my dad's game is at noon. Only me, Caylyn, CJ and Cali go. My mom stayed home with Dylan...I didn't know they were that serious about her punishment. But if we're grounded, we have to miss his games as well. After winning, doing his press conference, we finally get to head home. I need a nap. The minute I get to my room, CeCe and I are called downstairs to the film room.

We sit down on the couch facing the screen. "Are we in trouble?" My sister asks. "No..but we do want to have a talk with y'all." "Oh boy." "It's not that bad. Since y'all are starting to date..." "You mean she's starting to date..." I say cutting my mom off. "Yeah, but I'm sure you will soon, but we just wanna let you guys know of some of the dangers of sex and what not." Cay'lyn puts her head on my shoulder. "It won't be that bad." My mom says. " we're gonna go over a few things that can happen when you have unprotected sex...such as herpes, chlamydia, hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhea....also called the clap." When my dad says "clap" and he and my mom both clap... "Wow." I say. "That's not all...there are many more sexually transmitted diseases, those are just a few, but I forgot to mention the big one...AIDS." We both start to take this little lesson seriously, and through the whole thing they show us pictures and all sorts of stuff. The whole lesson lasted like 30 minutes...and I was glad when it was over.

{Demi's POV}

The girls kinda eased into the whole thing, but I can still see how cringy and uncomfortable it was for them. "Okay...any questions...comments. Concerns?" Colin asks. "So....moral of the lesson is don't have unprotected sex?" Cay'lyn's asks. "Don't have sex at all." Colin quickly says. They both nod. "Are we done now?" "Yes we are. You may go now." "I think that went well..." He says. "I agree. Now we just have to go through that a couple more times with the others." "Yeah, but that's years away...and Cali hasn't started having those lady issues yet...or has she?" "Yes...she 6 months ago." "Oh...well then." "Yeah...but I don't think she's anything to worry about at the moment." "Yeah, you're right." "I always the way you did great in the game today." I said wrapping my arms around his waist. "Thank you. I wish you were there but the kids were it wasn't that bad." "Yeah...well, I think Dylan's learned her lesson." I say. "She definitely has. I've never seen her so down and bored in her 7 years of life." "I know. I kinda felt bad." "I know. Me too. We're just so soft when it comes to that little one." "I think it's those innocent brown eyes that she got from her daddy." He smiles.

He leans in to give me a kiss and somehow, I end up against the wall. "Hey I'm in here...." Cayleigh says. We instantly stop. "What'd you need sweetie?" "....just my phone. I left it on the couch." She walks over and grabs it. "Okay...I'm gone....make sure you guys stay protected!" She says as she walks out the door. I look down and laugh. "Smart ass kids." He says. "I thought it was funny....guess that was a little payback from making them sit through 30 minutes of torture." "Yeah I guess so." I head for the door. "Hold up...we ain't gone finish...." "I'd rather not take the chance of another one walking in on us." "I guess you're right."

{Colin's POV}

A few weeks go by and the kids got out of school the other day for winter break. I'm on my way to practice and I have Cayleigh and CJ with me. They've liked coming to practice with me ever since they were little, and now that they're old enough to actually workout and life, they join me in that part and do their own thing once it's time to out in work on the field. We pull up to the facility. "Y'all go ahead and wait in the weight room and I'm gonna go to the locker room." "Okay." After changing, some of my teammates and I head over to the weight room. "Got the kids with you." "Yeah man...they out for Christmas break." "Y'all stretch and stuff?" I ask them. "Yeah..." "What up Lil Kap." "Sup Mike." "You gone be hittin the weights with everyday, get some muscles on them chicken legs." Cayleigh laughs. "I don't have chicken legs." "Yes you do dude." Cayleigh says. "How you doin Cayleigh!" "Good." She says giving him a high five. "Alright y'all go do your thing."

They go off and go workout. "When Lil man gone get taller." "I don't know man. I'm hoping soon. He's skippin a grade next year, so he gonna be able to play football for his school. He either gotta get taller, or stronger...or both. I just hope he don't be short like his mom." "How tall is Demi? I know she short but..." "She's 5'3 man...and she's been that way since I met her." "How tall are the twins?" "5'5 or 5' of them" "oh then he should be good. Give him some time...what is he 11?" "Yeah..he'll get there. He got a Lil girlfriend yet." "Nah, I told him he don't need to worry bout girls yet...but my baby girl got a boyfriend man...they been datin for a few weeks." "Damn....I thought you wasn't havin that?" "I gave in man. But he ensured that he wouldn't hurt her so..." "Bring him by practice this week..let the o-line have a word with him or maybe just let Alex talk to him...just for some insurance." "You trynna scare the boy. But I will though. That'll be a sight to come on, lets put in work.

{Demi's POV}

While Colin, CJ and Cayleigh are at practice...I'm at the house, keeping a close eye on Cay'lyn and Derek who are watching tv in the living room. Cali spent the night at a friend's house and Colin will swing by and pick her up after practice. Dylan is in LA with Dallas doing an acting workshop and won't be back for a few days. I'm upstairs at the moment taking advantage of some of this time to go ahead and wrap gifts. As I'm wrapping presents, I hear CeCe and Derek upstairs. I peek outside my door and their walking out of her room. She knows the rules...he's not suppose to be up here. He's never been allowed before when they were just friends, and he's certainly not allowed now. Colin would ring his neck if he knew. I won't tell him, but I sure will have a talk with her, because its unacceptable.

By the time I finish, Derek's gone. When I walk downstairs, Caylyn's in the kitchen with her head in the fridge, as always. My kids, and Colin eat like there no tomorrow. We make sure there's always food, especially fruit in the fridge and pantry. "So what were you and Derek doing in your room?" "Nothing...I was just showing him something...that's all." "You know the rules CeCe." "We didn't do anything okay!" "Watch your tone with me." "My bad mom. I swear we didn't do anything....and I'm won't happen again." "It better be...because next time, your father will be notified." "Okay.....speaking of dad, can you tell him to bring food when he comes from practice, I'm starving." "You have a bunch of food in your hands right now." "Yeah, but for later...." I shake my head. "What should I tell him to bring?" "Pizza.....or wings." "What about both?" "Oooooo even better." "Of course." "Thanks mama. You're the best." "Mmhhmm, I know I am." She goes back to the living room and I sent Colin a quick text and tell him to pick up pizza and wings on his way home from practice.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now