Chapter 20

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{Colin's POV}

A couple months go by and it's the kids last day of school. Dylan finished up a week ago, and she's been chillin with Demi. She's started back going to places like chuck-e-cheese with her friends that she use to go to school with. She hasn't been willing to go over anyone else's house yet, but her friends will come over and have sleepovers. Stuff like that to help keep her mind off things. It's been almost 4 months and she still has nightmares here and there, but it's not every night like it used to be, so that's good. She still goes to her therapy sessions twice a week. I got kicked out of one because the questions were making her uncomfortable and making her cry and I got mad, so I just sit back and wait outside for them to finish. I'm just glad she's doing well.

Demi and I are letting the twins go to the beach with their friends after school. Cali is going over her friends house, and they're gonna go hang out with their other friends, and I don't know what CJ's doing, he hasn't mentioned hanging out with friends or having friends come over. I'm on my way to pick him up from school right now. He took the test a couple weeks to determine if he'd skip 6th grade, and he aced it. He was happy about that. He'll still have his friends, he'll just be in a different grade. I pull up to his school about 20 minutes before school gets out. I like to be in the front of the line, that way I can drive out and not worry about being stuck in traffic. Once 2:45 hits, kids start walking out the building. I see CJ walking with his friends. Him and Jas walk over to the car. "Can Jasmine ride with us?" He asks. "Sure." They get in buckle and buckle up. "Y'all wanna stop and get some ice cream?" I ask. "Yeah." They both say. We get some ice cream and head home. We get to the neighborhood, I drop jasmine off at her house then pull into our driveway. "Can I go to aunt Dallas' to hang out with Wes for a few days?" "Yeah...I don't see why that would be a problem. I'll get us a couple tickets so we can fly there and I'll drop you off and fly back." "Cool."

We walk in the house and CJ goes upstairs to pack. I go find Demi and Dylan, and they're in the music studio on the piano. I stand there and watch them. "Hey you." Demi says once she notices I'm standing in the doorway. "Hey." "Honey keep practicing this part and I'll be back." She gets up and walks over. "Where's CJ?" "In his room, packing?" "Where's he goin?" "He wants to go to Dallas' for a few days." "Are you gonna drive him, or is he flying." "I didn't feel like making the drive, so we're just gonna fly." "Sounds we'll be somewhat alone for the next couple day. huh?" She says raising an eyebrow. I look over at Dylan who's practicing away. "...somewhat. Don't forget CJ's still here..." "Well...there's always tomorrow." "Of course....I'll let y'all get back to practicing." "Okay." She walks off and I pull her back. "I don't get a kiss?" "Sure you do." She puts both hands on my cheeks and pulls me in for a kiss. I watch her walk back to the piano.

While they're doing that, I leave to go to Verizon to get CJ a phone. Other than Dylan, he's the only one who doesn't have one. The girls got theirs when they entered middle school and did some real, hardcore convincing to get an Instagram and twitter after they got it, I just had to lay down some rules, but he's definitely earned it. Demi and I had been talking about it, but wanted to do it after school got out. After going to get it, I go back home. I walk in CJ's room and he's laying on the bed with his headphones on, and on his laptop. He pulls his beats back when he notices I'm in the room. "Here. This is for you?" I say handing him the iPhone. "Seriously?" "Yup. There's rules mindful and respectful of the things you post on social media. I don't wanna see it at the dinner table, wether we're here or at a restaurant. Keep your nudes to yourself...matter fact there shouldn't be any nudes to share. Grades and behavior gotta be on point...and at 10's mine until the next morning." "Yes sir...thanks pops." "You're welcome."

The next day, CJ and I pull up to Dallas and Ben's place. "Too pumped...I miss LA, which is why I really think we should move dad." "Maybe one day Jr....come on let's go." I grab his bag out the trunk..while I do that, he's at the door knocking. I walk in and get rushed by my niece Ariel and I pick her up. She's the same age as Dylan...she was born a couple weeks after her. "Hi uncle Colin!" "Hey pretty girl. How's uncle's favorite niece?" "I'm your only niece silly." "That's true." I give her a kiss on the cheek. "Well if it isn't my favorite uncle." Wes says. "What's up. Gettin big on me man." I give him a hug. "What's up punk." He says to CJ and the start wrestling.

"Man, sometimes these two make me content with the fact that Dallas and I didn't have another son." Ben says. "You're lucky you got one of each...trying having four girls, then a wife to top it all off. Luckily I have CJ to give me some type of relief from all the estrogen in the house." "Colinnn!" Dallas says walking down the stairs. "Hey Dallas. How are you." "Good..." She's interrupted by something falling, and of course it's the boys. "Hey, you two are not gonna start." Dallas says. "Sorry mom." Wes says. "Good luck you two." "Don't worry. We'll be sending Wes back with CJ." "That's good...they can fly back together, I don't have to come back and get them." "Fine by me."

I look at my phone for the time. "Alright, I gotta get outta here. I apologize in advance for anything that gets broken." I say jokingly. "Jr......come here." "What's up pops?" "Give me a hug man, I'm bout to leave." "Later pops. I love you." "Love you too. Here." I hand him my credit card...his hasn't come in yet. "I don't want you spending all your aunt and uncle's money. Have fun kid." "I will." I give him a kiss on the head and he goes off with Wes." "Alright guys. I'll see you later. When you send Wes back..send Ariel too. I'm sure Dylan would love to have her cousin there." "Will do. We could use the alone time." Ben says. "I'm sure you would." Later." I say then walk out the house.

I finally get back home in San Francisco. "Baby.....I'm back." I say throwing my keys on the counter. "'re darters upstairs taking nap...this came in the mail for you." She says handing me the envelope. I look at it, and it's from the Univerity of of the best football programs in the nation. Their coach retired after this season, and I'm sure this letter is offering me the position. "Another job offer." I say tossing it on the counter. "Colin, what you gonna do. I mean do you wanna go into work." "I don't know. I just wanna enjoy this time, and worry about that later. If I do go into work, it'll be here. We're not the way." I say changing the subject. "When CJ comes back, Wes and Ariel are coming. I'm probably gonna fly Ezekiel out here....unless his parents are okay with him making that 2 hour drive." "Sounds good. I'd love for my niece and nephews to come. I'm sure the kids would love it too." " lets enjoy this time we have before the place becomes a mad house."

We go into the studio, now that I've had all this free time, she's finally teaching me a few things. I'm not even paying attention more to how good she looks than learning music. I start nibbling on her ear. "Colin.." "What?" "Stop." "She's sleeping." I whisper. "Wait till tonight baby." "I can't." I say putting her hand on my dick that's halfway there. "Just for a little bit. Come on. We're in here anyway..come on." I pick her up and sit her on the soundboard. "Just for a little bit." She say holding up her index finger. It doesn't take long for me to get inside her. "Oh Colin." She moans softly into my ear. The room filled with our moans. "Oh, shit Colin." She says in a panicking way.

{Dylan's POV}

I wake up from my nap. I couldn't really sleep all that good. I go downstairs to find my mommy. She's not watching tv, so I go to the studio. I go in and see my daddy doing my mommy the way that bad man did me. The both look at me and I run away.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum