Chapter 82

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{Demi's POV}

It's been about a month since my first injection and I got really sick a few days after, and was sick for a few days but since then, I haven't really had any real side effects. I just want this to be over and done with.

Colin has still been by my side, while still with his girlfriend, and it's partially because of me. I continuously tell him not to ruin what he has with her because we will never know how this all going to play out. I have to get blood work and stuff done tomorrow before I get the next injection but today, we are celebrating CJ and Colin's birthday. I can't believe my baby is 16. He's with Colin right now getting taking his driver's test and they'll be coming over soon. What he doesn't know is that his car is parked in the garage.

It's almost 7 am, and I'm up making breakfast for the kids. Since it's Tuesday, I'm making breakfast tacos; taco Tuesday, but it also happens to be CJ's favorite. Colin and CJ should be on their way. Dylan's already up and I'll wake Cali up soon.

"Is the food ready yet?" Dylan asks walking in.

"Almost, just waiting on the tortillas to finish heating up."

"Wears CJ and daddy?"

"They should be on their way." I say. While we wait I post a picture of me and CJ.

"I can't believe my baby boy turns 16 today. I remember like it was yesterday when you were just being born. I'm very proud of the young man you are becoming. I love you sweetie and I hope you have a great day❤️😘 @kaepernickjr7"

He replies, "Thank you mama. See you in like 5 minutes❤️"

I scroll down and see the post the girls made.

Cayleigh posts a picture of them two hugging with big smiles on their faces.

"My baby brother turns 16. He's growing up so fast😭
I love you CJ. I wish I was there to give you a huge hug❤️ @kaepernickjr7

She also posts one of her and her dad.

"One more birthday shout out to my favorite guy in the whole world, my daddy. There aren't enough words to describe the love and admiration I have for him. I love you daddy❤️ @kaepernick7"

Scrolling down some more, I see CeCe's post.

"This big mama's boy is 16 today. Happy birthday Kappy. You're growing up to be a great dude. Continue to kick ass on the field and stay humble. I would warn all these birds and tell them to stay away from you, but Jasmine has already let them know lol
I love you and can't wait to see you in a few weeks punk. @kaepernickjr7"

I giggle just a little bit. Then the one for her dad is equally as funny.

"Happy birthday to my old man...and I mean OLD. Just kidding daddy, you still lookin 21. I love you so much dad, you really are the best father anyone could have. Thank you for everything @kaepernick7"

Soon we hear the front door open, and as its opening, Cali walks in kitchen. "Birthday men in the house!" Colin says as they walk in.

"Happy birthday baby." I say to CJ as he gives me a hug.

"Thank you."

"Do I get a happy birthday and a hug." Colin asks.

"I was getting to you...happy birthday Colin." I give him a hug. It's always nice to be in his arms, and damn he smells good. "So, breakfast is ready, dig in."

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now