First Time

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{CJ's POV}

I love that my parents worked everything out. I really liked Lori. She was a cool woman and I appreciate how she looked out for us when she was with my dad. And I'll always have love for her and feel for her because she lost her son who was like a brother to me. But I'm glad we can go back to being the Kaepernick family that everyone knows and love.

After waking up, I brush my teeth, and get dressed. I go downstairs and CeCe's in an Giants jersey....such a disgrace, but she gotta rep her boyfriend, so that's understandable, but Imma still tease her about it.

"Wack ass jersey." I tease.

"Shut up punk."

"They are wack Cee." Cali agrees.

"Yeah, you know it's Niner gang all day everyday." Cayleigh says.

"Well guess what, my boyfriend plays for New York Giants so I gotta show love."

"How come you didn't go to the game?" I ask.

"Because I wanted to spend Christmas with my family...before yesterday, I kinda had the mentality that I needed to spend time with mom whenever I had the chance."

"I get you. But I'm glad she's gonna be okay. I don't know what I would have done if we lost her." I say.

"Yeah, well now we don't have to worry about that...I'm surprised they aren't awake yet. I'm hungry as hell."

"Well let's cook breakfast. Mommy always makes it for us. Let's do something for her for a change." Dylan suggests.

We all agree to it and start making breakfast and the smell causes our parents to come downstairs.

"Are my eyes deceiving me or are they making breakfast?" My dad says.

"It looks like their cooking babe...what's on the menu?" She asks.

"Bacon, sausage links, eggs, French toast and hashbrowns."

"We have some pretty cool kids...except for that one with the Odell Beckam jersey on."

CeCe cuts her eyes at him. "Daddy, don't be a hater."

"Damn boy corrupting my daughter."

"Yeah, but you love him though. You said so yourself. And I'll always be a Niner at heart. You know that."

"Nah, don't try to hope back on the bandwagon." I say.

"Shut up before I slap you."

"You will not." My mom steps in.

"Yeah, you will not." I repeat and she tries to hit me and misses. "That's why you missed punk."

"I'm not gone miss next time."

"Y'all childish." Cali says.

"Nah that's her."

"How less talking and more cooking. Your father's hungry." My dad says.

We finish cooking, we sit down and have breakfast then open up gifts. Odell got some things for CeCe sent to the house.

"Awww How sweet of him." I tease.

"Mom, get your son, for real."

"CJ...leave her alone before I let her loose on you."

"Please let me at him."

"Not yet."

"Whatever, I'm gonna go pick up Jasmine. I'll be back. Cali, you still comin?"


Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now