Chapter 59

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{Colin's POV}

The bell rings around 3:30 for the last class, which is football, and I get ready to meet the boys in the weight room. Before I leave the office my phone starts ringing and it's from Dylan's school.


"Daddy...can you come get me?"

"Is mommy not there?"


"Did you call you're sister?"

"Yeah, but the loser didn't answer." I laugh.

"Alright, sit tight, I'm on my way."

I grab my keys and let one of the assistant coaches know that I'm leaving and that I'll be back.

I pull up to the school and she walks to the car.

"Hey sweetie."

"Where's mommy?"

"I don't know. I tried to call her, but she didn't pick up."

"So does this mean we're not going to the spa?"

"Is that what y'all had planned?"

"That's what she told me when she dropped me off this morning."

"I'd take you if I didn't have practice..."

"It's okay daddy, you don't have to."

"Okay. You have any homework."

"Yup." She sighs. "As usual."

"When we get to the school you can have my office, so you can do it."

"Can I just wait till we get home?"

"Nope, because by the time we get home, it'll be time for dinner and then time to get ready for bed."

"I hate school."

"No one likes school, but you have to go. So you can learn and get smarter."

I text Demi to let her know that I picked Dylan up.


We get home from practice and there's pizza on the island of the kitchen waiting for us. Cali made it home from basketball practice a little earlier than we did, and everyone was waiting on us to get home to eat.

After eating dinner, I follow Demi up to the bedroom. She came up with some lame ass excuse as to how she "lost track of time" today.

"Where were you today?"

"I told you where I was."

"You expect me to believe that bullshit. You can fool our daughter, but you sure as hell can't fool me." She walks off to the bathroom but I grab her by the arm. "I'm not done talkin you."

"Well I am. Let go of my arm."

"No. Your ass is gonna stand here and listen to me. If you want a divorce, we can go file for one tomorrow and save all this energy fighting."

"No ones fighting but you."

"I'm fighting for something that's real. Something we spent years building. But after a while it starts to get tiring, and you're not even trying. Do you want a divorce?" I ask, nervously awaiting her answer.

If I can't make her happy anymore, I want her to be honest with me, so that we can go on from there. Having to let her go would be the toughest thing I think I'd ever have to do, but I always tell her, "I'm happy if you're happy".

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें