Chapter 44

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After showering, Colin takes nap, and I head downstairs. Dylan's in the living room watching tv, CeCe, Cali and CJ are sitting at the island in the kitchen. They get quiet as I walk in.

"So...what we're we talking about?" I ask.

"Talkin about how CeCe was being a little thottie." CJ says.

"Shut up!" She hits him on the arm.

"What's a thottie?" I ask.

"He's calling me a hoe mom."

"Oh is that what you kids call them now?"

"Yeah...what'd you call them, because I know there were a lot." Cayleigh asks.

"There were plenty...but we just called them hoes...thirsty hoes....and CJ don't call your sister a thottie...I don't wanna hear that word come out if your mouth again."

"Yeah...and besides, I know you're not calling me a thot, because before jasmine...that's what you were."

"Nah. I wasn't a one at all."

"Sure." She says.

"Them girls came on to me.."

"They still come onto you..."

"That's not important though. I don't give them any attention."

"They're gonna be real salty when Jas starts going there next year." Cali adds.

"Oh well. Let them be jealous. They'll never compare to baby girl."

"I love the way you talk about's so cute." Cayleigh says.

"Have you still not told her you love her?" Cali asks.

"WHHAAAT!" We all say in unison.

"Honey, you haven't told her yet."

"I don't know how!"

"Dude, you've been dating for like 6 months.."

"7 actually."

"CJ, just tell her how you feel sweetie."

"I've been trying to do that...I freeze up every time. When did dad tell you or did you tell him first?"

"At like 5 months.."

"How did he do it."

"He just came out and said know, why don't you ask him how you should go about it when he wakes up."

"Okay, I will. Oh and Cayleigh, word of advice...don't be a thottie like your sister on your college visits..."

"I'm gonna hurt you." She says raising up out of her seat, causing him to get out of his and hide behind me.

"Mom, get him before I do."

"What did I just tell you." He laughs.

"My bad, I couldn't resist."

"I'm not gonna resist when I put my foot up your butt."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Stop hiding like a little punk and see if I don't."

"Simmer down you two."

"That's her."

"CJ..go do something with your life." I say and he leaves.


{Colin's POV}

Before Cayleigh and I leave for the airport, CJ wants to talk to me, so I go up to his room.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora