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Waking up to rays of light beaming through the curtains in our bedroom, I quietly get out of bed and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I come back out and Colin's sprawled out on the bed still asleep. Ever since the day I found out that I was clean, we've been inseparable. Feels like the year prior to that never existed. We moved back into the house together and did some much needed renovations. Made it look very different, almost like a brand new home almost. That seemed like a better idea than to just move into a new house. Renovating was kind of like the clean slate.

It's been a year exactly since the day I got the phone call, and it's been quite a year. Colin continuing dominance as a coach. CJ getting a thousand and one offers to play for different colleges. Cali's going to college at Kansas University for basketball. The twins are still in school, CJ's graduating this year and Dylan will be a freshman in high school next year. Needless to say, life is moving quickly.

I go and look out the window, where I see all 5 of the kids loading of CJ's Range Rover with a bunch of Christmas gifts. I didn't even know they had any of this planned, but I'm sure they're going off to do something great with them.

As I watch them, I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Good Morning." He says in a groggy voice.

"Good morning." He rests his chin on my shoulder.

"What are they doing?"

"I don't know...looks like they're taking those presents somewhere." I can feel him smile.

"They're amazing kids."

"I know. They have a great father."

"They have a great mother too."

"We should get dressed and go help them."

"Uh huh. We're staying right here and you're gonna let me make love to you." He turns me around and slowly backs me into the wall. He picks me up and we stand there, my back against the wall, indulging in a passionate kiss that I want to last forever. Still engaging in a sweet kiss, he walks us over to the bed and brings me down and he settles in between my legs.

Letting out a soft moan as he leaves gentle kisses on my neck.

"I love you." He says. I gently rub his scruffy beard, then brush my thumb over his lips and stare deep into his eyes.

"I love you."


{Colin's POV}

After showering, we go downstairs and smell food as we get closer to the kitchen. "What is this?" Demi asks.

"Christmas Eve breakfast."

"You were right." She says.

"I know...wait, what was I right about?" I ask.

"We have some amazing kids."

"Yup. And they'll just keep getting better."

Never did I think I'd meet the woman of my dreams. For a minute there, I thought I'd never find someone. I'd be stuck going to strip clubs and bars, partying my life away. Living the single life. But I'm glad I found the love of my life at 21, and despite the bumps in the road, we're still together with five beautiful children. I couldn't have been more blessed.

And that concludes the end of the story.

Thank you so much for reading. I'm sorry for the emotional rollercoaster I have put you all through. But I really hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing!

Now that I'm done with this one, I can continue "Payback's A Bitch". It's a Demi fic and if you haven't read it, you should. I'll probably start it back up soon.

I love you all❤️

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now