Chapter 9

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A couple months go by and Kellen and I are a couple now. It's really no secret. We don't go out just to be seen, but we do go out to dinner, and go on dates. I haven't introduced him to the kids yet, and I'm not sure how to. They've been released from school for the summer, and they're gonna spend half of it with Colin. But they belong to me for the first half. I'm thinking that I'll introduce them to him today, but kinda ease them into it. I just don't wanna be like mommy has a new boyfriend and freak them out. The kids love Chuck-E-Cheese, so that's where I'm taking them, and Kellen is gonna stop by. They'll be so focused on games and pizza, they really won't question why he's there. I did however mention that a friend will be joining us. All four of them are sitting on the couch watching TV till its time to go.

Later once we get there, I order the pizzas and we sit down and wait. Kellen text me saying he's outside and I get a little nervous. The girls are sitting across from CJ and I, and I put him in my lap to make room for Kellen. "Mommy, how long is the pizza gonna take?" Cay'Lyn whines. "Yeah, I'm hungry." "It's coming out soon." Kellen walks up to the table. "Hey." I say. "Hey..." "Girls, remember when I said my friend is gonna join us?" The twins nod. "Well this is him...." "Hi girls...can I sit down" he asks, and they nod. He sits down next to me. "Hi...." Cay'Lyn says breaking the silence. " must be..." "Cay'Lyn." She says interrupting him. "And you must be Cayleigh....Cali, and this must be CJ." "How do you know our names?" Cay'Lyn asks. "Your mom told me all about you guys." "What'd she say?" "That you can sing, play piano, and you like basketball." "I love basketball. Can you play?" "I do okay. You could probably beat me though." He says making her laugh. "What's your name?" "Kellen." Him and Cay'Lyn talk the whole time. She asks him tons of questions. Cayleigh and Cali stay quiet majority of the time and eat their pizza.

Kellen goes and gets tokens for the kids. He comes back with 4 little cups full of them. "Here you go girls" he says giving Cali and the twins their coins. "Ad these are for the little guy." He says handing me a cup. "Thanks. You didn't have to get all these." "It's okay. I wanted to." "Can we go play now?" Cay'Lyn asks. "Sure baby." We get up and go to where the games are. After playing games for a while, and tiring them out, we finally decide to leave. Kellen walks us to the car. "It was really nice meeting you guys. I had fun." He says. "I had fun too." Cay'Lyn says and gives him a high five. Cali gives him one, and CJ. He holds his hand up for Cayleigh but she doesn't give him one. I get them all in the car, and in their seats. "Sorry about Cayleigh." "There's no need to apologize...thanks for inviting me today. Your kids are amazing." "Yeah they are." "So I'll call you later." "Okay." He opens the door for me, I get in, drive off and go home.

{Cay'Lyn's POV}

I like my mommy's new friend. He's cool. Later, before going to bed, me and Cayleigh are in our room, sitting on the floor watching TV waiting for mommy to tuck us in. "I don't like mommy's friend." Cayleigh says. "Why not." "Cause. I just don't." "Cayleigh he's cool." "I don't care. He's gonna try to replace daddy." "No he's not." "Hey girls...time for bed." "Mommy, is Kellen gonna take daddy's place?" I ask. "No...what makes you ask that?" "That's what Cayleigh said." "Okay..." She says and sits in between us. "No one, and I mean no one can take the spot of being your daddy." "But you're suppose to be with daddy not him." Cayleigh says getting and gets in her bed. "Cayleigh.." "I just wanna go to sleep." She says and turns her head. I get Cay'Lyn tucked in and give her a kiss. I walk over to Cayleigh and give her a kiss and walk out.

[A couple days later]

{Colin's POV}

I really haven't had a conversation with Demi over the past couple months. If it ain't about the kids, we don't talk. Too busy with her boyfriend...which I don't too much care. It's whatever. As for me I just been chillin. I'm in no rush to get into a relationship. Hell I was never good with relationships till I met Demi. She changed the game for me. The girl Brittany still trying so I guess I can make somethin work as far as hanging out. Every time she comes to Cali, she wants to me up. She's always in LA, and even though I go there often for the kids, I put off hangin out with her. But I told her next time come to San Francisco instead, and of course she agreed to it. I haven't seen the kids in a couple weeks and I miss them, so I make a surprise trip down to LA. Once I've gotten to LA I call Demi. "Hello." She says answering. "Hey, where are the kids?" "We're about to go to the park." I know which one she's talking about, it shouldn't take that long to get there. "Okay. Well call me when y'all come from the park, I wanna talk to them." "Okay."

{Demi's POV}

Kellen really enjoyed himself hanging out with me and the kids, so I'm taking them to the park today, and asked him to come. After Colin's phone call, we leave. We pull up to the park, and I see a black truck that looks like Colin's but I'm not sure. Then I realize that it is him when he steps out. "Mommy...look it's daddy!!" Cayleigh says. What the hell is he doing here. It throws me off and I immediately text Kellan. "So Colin randomly showed up at the park. I really don't want any problems, so I don't think it'll be a good idea if you came. I'm really, really sorry." He replies back shortly. "I completely understand. He is their father, so there's no way I can be mad. Call me later, okay?" "Thanks for being so understanding. I'll call you later😘"

{Colin's POV}

I see them pull up, and walk over to the car after she parks. She lets the girls out the car, and they run over. I pick all three of them up and hug them tightly. "I missed you girls so much. "Missed you too daddy." Cayleigh says. I put them down and jr walks over to me. "Hey Lil man." I say picking him up. "Hey Demi." "Hey....this is a surprise." "Yeah, I didn't have anything to do, so I decided to make a trip here. Is that okay with you or.." "No it's fine. You haven't seen the kids in a couple weeks so, you have every right to come by." "Come on let's go play." Cayleigh says grabbing my hand. After about 30 minutes of keeping them entertained, I go join Demi on the bench.

"'ve you been? Really haven't gotten to talk to you over the past couple months." I say. "Good. I've just been enjoying time with the kids." "And your boyfriend..." "That's none of your business." I drop it, and we just sit on the bench and watch the kids play. We leave, and I follow Demi and the kids to the house. Everyone but Cayleigh fell asleep on the way home. Since majority of them are sleep, I'm gonna go check into the hotel since I plan on staying for a couple days, and Cayleigh comes with me. I get the room key and we go upstairs.

I'm just as exhausted as the kids are, and I'm sure Cayleigh is too. I turn on cartoons for her. I notice she's been quiet. Usually she's talkative around me. "Cayleigh...what's wrong with my little seem sad." "I am." "Why?" She doesn't say anything. "Cayleigh...I'll never know what's wrong unless you tell me." "I don't want Kellen to take your place." "How do you know about him." "He hung out with us at Chuck-E-Cheese." Hearing that pisses me off a little bit. "Listen, no one is ever gonna take my place. They can try, but it'll never happen." "Promise?" "I promise." She yawns. "Tired?" "Mhhmm." She says and snuggles up to me. I watch her eyes slowly close and soon she's out like the lights.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now