Chapter 15

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I get over to Demi's and go knock on the door. "Hey..." She says. "Hey...can I come in?" "Yeah..sure, my bad." She says stepping aside. "Where's CJ." "I jus put him down for a nap. Everything okay?" "Ummm not really. I really don't know how to tell you this..." "What's wrong?" "Ummm Kellen...he's cheating on you." "Really Colin?" She says, and by the tone of her voice, it sounds like she doesn't believe me. "You do believe me right?" "No...I don't." "I know for a fact that he's cheating." "How are you so sure?" "Because he got Brittany pregnant." "...your girlfriend." "My ex-girlfriend...last night she tells me that she's pregnant...acting like everything's good...and I go back to her place after having lunch with the girls, and he's there." "....Please tell me you didn't." "Yes. I knocked his bitch ass out." She sits down and try to process everything I just told her. I sit down next to her.

"Hey..." She looks at me. "I truly am sorry. This is all my fault. Had I not screwed up, we'd still be happily married, with no worries." "I forgive you. I don't think I ever told you...but I forgave you a while ago, because had held a grudge, things wouldn't be as smooth as it is now." "I know you're probably hurting right now, but is there any chance of us ever giving it another shot." "You know what Colin...right now..." She pauses to wipe her tears. "I just wanna be single....focus on trying to get my acting career started." "I can respect that...but can I ask you for a favor." "What?" "I really don't wanna go to a hotel...can I crash on the couch for the rest of the week?" She cracks a smile. " can stay. "Cool. Thanks." "No. Thank you, for letting me know the truth." "I may not be your husband anymore, but imma always have your back, and never forget that. I put my arm around her and hug her tightly, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Can you look after CJ and Cali...I have some business to take care of." "Yeah...sure." "Okay...and I'll pick up the girls on my way back." I nod and she leaves.

{Demi's POV}

I pull up to his house, and he's not there, so I send him a text. "Where are you?" "I'm on my way home. We need to talk." "You're right about that." About 15 minutes later he pulls up. I get out and follow him to the door. We walk in, and the minute he turns around to say some thing, I hit him in the eye. "WHAT THE HELL." One of my rings must of cut him because he's bleeding. "Colin told me what happened. I can't believe I trusted you. You played me like fool." "Oh please, like you haven't slept around with your ex-husband on me...and please, leave your vulnerability outta this. You had the power to stop it but you didn't. Just like I had the power to stop, but I didn't, and I own up to that. Now I'm gonna be a father to a baby...something you couldn't give me anyway." "...really, that's why you did this, because I got my tubes tied, and can't have children." "No...this pregnancy was unplanned...I was just pointing out the fact that she's giving me something you can't." "Oh yeah, well guess what, when I was screwing Colin behind your back, he gave me something you couldn't....good sex....goodby Kellen." I say and walk out. I get to the car and wipe the tears from my eyes. It hurts really bad because I really did love him. I didn't really think that I'd find love after Colin, and Kellen gave me hope.

I swing by and pick up the girls a little early and head back home. "Can we call daddy to see if he'll come over?" Cayleigh asks. "He's already at the house sweetie. Daddy's gonna stay with us this week." "I thought he was staying with Ms. Brittany." "Ummmm her and daddy aren't together anymore." "Finally." Cay'Lyn says and I giggle to myself. "I didn't like her." Cayleigh adds. "Can daddy stop having girlfriends." "You gotta talk to him about that one. But lets not worry about that right now." "Okay. He brought us lunch today." "He told me...did you enjoy having lunch with him today?" "Yeah...he should come again tomorrow." "Well ask him. I'm sure he will." "K." About 15 minutes later, we pull up at the house.

{Colin's POV}

I'm watching sports center, and Jr walks in the living room. "Hey lil man." He waves as he walks over. He climbs onto the couch and sits next me. I put my arm around him and give him a kiss on the forehead. Soon Demi and the girls come through the door, and the girls attack me, and I playfully fall over on the couch. "Okay okay. Let daddy breathe." Demi says and they get off. "How was the rest of school." I ask. "Good." The twins say. "Cali p, what about you. "I made this" she says pulling out a picture she drew." "Sweetie that's beautiful." Demi says as she sits next to me. "We can put it on the refrigerator with your other work." "Uh no...I think this was intended for me." I say. "You got the last drawing she did." "Yeah....but she handed it to me though, so technically, she personally gave this to me." She has nothing more to say...she knows she lost. "This looks great baby girl." I say then give her a kiss on the cheek. The twins hop on the couch. "What are you two doin?" I ask. "Watching TV..." CeCe answers. "Have you don't homework?" " Then you're not watching TV." "Can we do it afterwards." She whines. "Yeahhh." Cayleigh adds. "Kitchen" They pout while making their way to the table.

"I must admit...that was pretty sexy..." "All I did was tell them to go do their homework." "Yeah, but it was the manner in which you said it." "Demi...don't. Okay. You said you needed some time and space, and that's what imma give yo crazy ass." "What if I told you that going over to Kellen's...punching him in the eye...drew blood by the way....going to pick the girls up from school was all the time and space that I needed?" "You sure?" "Can you just stop questioning and kiss me know you want to." "Yea but..." She interrupts me by grabbing me by the shirt, pulling me closer to her and giving me a kiss, and everything about it just felt right. "So what does this mean?" I ask. "It means that we're slowly gonna work on us." I nod.

As we're sitting on the couch, one of the twins yells my name and I walk into the kitchen to see what they need. "Daddy, I can't do this." Cay'Lyn says. "Don't ever say you can't do somethin. You can do whatever you put your mind to, just gotta put forth the effort...what you need help help on." "'s impossible." "What does impossible even mean.." "It can't be done." "Exactly, and what did I just tell you?" "That I can do anything I set my mind to...I don't remember the other stuff after that..." "You were close enough, but what I said is true, and you can do this, and I'll help you." I help her out and they both finish their homework. Later, Demi cooks dinner and we sit down and eat. Afterwards Demi gets the kids ready for bed and I volunteer to clean the kitchen. By the time I get it clean, I hear Demi call my name.

I walk to the back and they're all in the twins room. "They want you to read to them." "Alright..." Cayleigh hands me the book and I sit down on her bed...and they each grab a spot next to me. Demi sits On the floor Indian style with CJ and Cali on each leg. I finish the book and the twins are still up, but I know they're tired. They're eyes are very droopy. "Alright, time for bed." I say closing the book. I say the prayers tonight. Afterwards, I carry Cay'Lyn to her bed and Demi puts Cali in hers and CJ in her room. I go back outside to the car to go get my bag so I can take a shower. I'm not too sure on how slow she wants to take things, so I'm not just gonna barge in her room and take a shower, so I take one in the guest bathroom. I get out, throw on briefs and pajama pants and grab a blanket out of the closet and head to the couch. "Ya know.....there is a guest room...or my room." She says walking in the living room. "Is that an invite to your room?" She grabs my hand and we walk into her room. Seconds later we're in bed, and she's in my arms. Something that hasn't happened in a while. She falls asleep quickly. "I love you." I whisper in her ear before I fall asleep

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now