Chapter 2

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After the party, I follow Demi and the kids back to her parents house. I help take all the presents in and get the kids ready for bed. CJ's the last one to take a bath. I wrap the towel around him, and take him out....make rocket ship noises and spinning him around. I get him dressed and bring him back in the room. The girls are on the couch sitting down. "They want you to read to them." Demi says. Me and CJ go over to the couch with them. "Alright what book?" I say sitting down, with CJ in my lap. "This one.." Cayleigh says handing me the book. "Green Eggs and Ham" I say reading the title. I read the book and by the end, the girls are sleep, but CJ is still awake. I put them all in bed and give them forehead kisses. "I guess I'm gonna head out. I'll be back in the morning to tell them bye. Don't forget to talk to Cayleigh. "I won't." "See you later lil man." I leave and go to the hotel.

{Demi's POV}

The next morning I wake up, go brush my teeth and stuff, and when I finish, I hear the TV on. I walk out the bathroom and see Cayleigh on the couch watching TV. I walk over and sit next to her. "Good morning sweetie." "Morning." "Can we talk about something?" She looks at me and nod. "So daddy told me that you wanna go with him." She nods. "May I ask why. Did mommy do something wrong?" "No. I miss him a lot." "But then if you leave, aren't you gonna miss mommy?" She nods. "Why can't we live with him anymore." "Because sweetie...." I sigh. "Mommy and daddy aren't together." "But whyyyy?" "Because baby...there's things that you're to young to understand....but, you still have another week before school starts...daddy's gonna come over before he leaves, do you wanna go with him for the week then come back for school." She nods. "Okay, lets get your bag ready...maybe your brother and sisters wanna go too. We'll see when they wake up."

{Colin's POV}

The next morning, I get up, get dressed and go see the kids. I get there and Eddie lets me in. "Hey colin." "Hey Eddie...I was just coming to see the kids before I take off." "There all in dining room eating breakfast. Hungry?" "No sir...I'll just get something on the way out." I say as we walk to the dining room. "Someone's here to see you kids." He says. "Daddy!!" Cayleigh says jumping out of her seat...followed by Cay'Lyn. Demi gets CJ and Cali down from their high chairs. I hug all four of them at the same time. "Daddy, I'm gonna come with you." Cayleigh says. "Okay. Well I'll wait till you're done eating breakfast okay...but till then, I'm gonna talk to mommy, okay?" "Okay." "Lets go next door and talk for a second." I say and we go next door.

"The other kids didn't wanna come?" "I asked, and they said no. But Cayleigh's just staying for the week, and then coming back for school." "What happen to her staying permanently?" "She decided not to." "She did, or you?" "No...she did." "Look...I did some thinking last night...and I think CJ should stay with me." "No..." "No? Demi he needs to be around his father. There are things that I can teach him that you can't. You can't teach him how to be a man....that's for me to do." "You....wanna teach him how to be a man....really?" "Don't you dare try to question my manhood. You damn well I'm a good man. I fuck up sometimes, but what man doesn't. I need to be in his life more than just once a month, and I'm not saying that he's more important than the girls." "Why can't you just stick with the agreement that we had." "Because my son needs me. That's why....when I bring Cayleigh back, he's coming to San Francisco with me, wether you agree to it or not." She doesn't say anything. She grabs a two purple bags. "Here are Cayleigh's bags for the week." "Alright...remember what I said Demi..." "...okay." We walk next door, and I wait for the kids to finish eating, and give them hugs and kiss, and Cayleigh and I leave.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now