Chapter 62

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{Demi's POV}

Last night was tougher than expected. I screwed up, and it's something that I'll have to live with. Having to tell the kids was heartbreaking, and I know I have no one to blame but myself.

I wake up early to take Dylan to school and she really didn't say much. She took it harder than all of them. 

After dropping her off, I get back to the house and make a much needed pot of coffee. I sit at the island and try to think my way through this. And in the 15 minutes I've been sitting here, I've come up with nothing. I don't don't thing anything will work. Colin has his mind made up, and I don't blame him.

"Hey mom." CJ says as he walks into the kitchen.

"Morning sweetie."

"You okay?"

"...have a seat. We need to talk."

"Oooo, this sounds serious."

"It is."

"What's up?"

I take a deep breath.

"Me and your dad are getting a divorce." His whole demeanor changes.

"Why? What'd he do? Did he hurt you?" He says standing up.

"No, honey sit down."

He looks at his phone. "I gotta go. Jasmine's outside." He walks out, bumping into CeCe in the process.

"I see you told your son about your thotty ways."

"What did you just say?"

"I know all about it. I saw it with my own eyes. Everything." I'm shocked and I can only imagine how she feels.

"CeCe, baby, I'm sorry."

No you're not. You weren't sorry when you decided to be a hoe and step out on your husband." Something comes over me and I slap her. I've never put my hands on my children and that manner and immediately afterwards, I feel bad.


"I can't wait to leave this damn house. It's your fault this family is ruined. Way to go. I hope he was worth it." She walks out and I hear the front door shut.

I take a seat on the stool and put my head in my hands and let out a good cry.

{Colin's POV}

I hated having to tell my kids that Demi and I aren't gonna be together. That's all they've ever known, and we've built something really strong. Whenever someone thinks of Demi and Colin Kaepernick, they think of how family oriented we are...even before they think about our careers. Believe it or not, our lives are still under a microscope and the tabloids will have a field day with this...hopefully we can keep this on the low for a while.

The next morning, I get up, do my daily routine and get to work. I still have a job to do, and I won't let this get in the way of doing what I do best, and that's coaching these boys to victory.

I'm sitting in my office, with the door cracked, just in case a player needs something. I look up when hear the door slam.

"What'd you do?"


"WHAT'D YOU DO?" He yells. I understand he's upset, but raising his voice isn't gonna fly with me.

I raise up out of my chair. "Sit down. Take a deep breath, and we can talk this out. But I'm not gonna allow you to yell at me."

"What'd you do dad?"

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now