Chapter 45

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{Colin's POV}

Our first stop is Nashville to visit Vanderbilt University. I'm really proud of these girls. Unlike me, they a lot of offers...where as when I was in high school, I had one school offer me something, a week before signing day. But I think people know not to sleep on the Kaepernick kids. After getting settled in to the hotel, we go out and see the city. The visits not till tomorrow...we stop at a barbecue spot to eat.

"I can definitely get used to living here..we don't have barbecue like this in Cali."

"Well Tennessee has some good barbecue...especially in Memphis....Are you nervous at all?"

"About school?" I nod. "A little bit. I think the biggest thing is gonna be not having CeCe with me all the time."

"You'll get use to it as time goes on."

"Yeah I guess. I'm definitely gonna have to be more she the most outgoing out of us two. If it wasn't for her...I probably wouldn't have as many friends as I do."

"I don't believe that. You're a great kid..with a great personality...that's why you have friends." She shrugs her shoulders and continues to eat.

"So I guess I won't have any problems with you on this trip?"

"Nope. Not at all."

"Good." I know I'm not gonna have to worry about her when she's the other one I'm gonna have to stay on.

"I'm surprised that you're so calm about this? Like I thought you would have tried and convinced us to go somewhere closer to home." She says.

"I would love it if that happened, but I'm not gonna hold y'all back. College is a time for y'all to explore and find yourselves. Find out what you love, and what you wanna do with your life...and probably find someone you wanna spend the rest of your life with..."

"I'll hold off on the last one. I kinda wanna get my degree first."

"That's what I'm talkin bout! Gimme a high five!" We give each other a high five and finish eating.


Cayleigh's visits smoothly. We just made it back home and I need some relaxation time. I've been on planes 7 or 8 different times in during the break. I'm tired...luckily these kids go back to school tomorrow and I get a break. I decided to take tomorrow off. Even though football season is over, I still have work to do for the other sports. When we get home, I take a quick shower, throw on basketball shorts, a tshirt and head downstairs. The kids are all in the living room watching tv.

"Okay....I'm going to my mancave, which means do not bother me unless you're having a heart attack, or bleeding to death..stuff like that."

"So if we need something...who do we ask?"

"Where's your mom?"

"She went to the store to get stuff for dinner tonight."

"Well try not to need anything till she comes back"

"that's called being a neglectful parent." Cali says.

"Is it?" I ask sarcastically.

"Oh..CeCe by the are no longer grounded."

"Cool...right when spring break is over."

"It is what it is."

"What about me?" CJ asks.

"Wait, why are you grounded?"

"I....snuck out of the didn't tell you."

"No...she didn't. Where'd you go?"

"Over Jasmine's grandma's house....kinda spent the night."

"You kids are bold as hell. But that something you'll have to take up with your mother. Any other questions before I disappear?" They look at each other and shake their heads.

"Great...and if your mom ask, dad's not here."

"She'll find you." Cayleigh says.

"Unfortunately." They giggle and I go to the kitchen to make a sandwich and grab some chips. I have plenty of drinks in the fridge I have in the cave. I go in there and relax on the couch. I check my phone and I have a text from Demi.

My Queen💍💎👑: Steaks for dinner tonight?

Me: Yeah, that's fine.

My Queen💍💎👑: Cool. See you when I get back home.

Me: No you won't🌚

My Queen💍💎👑: The hell does that mean?

Me: You'll see when you get home.

My Queen💍💎👑: Okay...weirdo.


{Demi's POV}

I go to the store, and get in and out quickly. I get back home and the kids are right where I left them, sitting on the couches watching tv. I put the food in the fridge until I start cooking and go to the living room.

"Where's your father?"

"He's not here."

"What do you mean he's not here...never mind. I know." I head towards his mancave.

"Shit, you found me."

"Well, I mean it wasn't that hard Colin Rand." He smiles.

"Heard you grounded our son. Never thought that'd happen..."

"Yeah, well I never thought he'd sneak out to stay with his girlfriend."

"Did they do anything?"

"He says they didn't, but who knows."

"Well, if he did, I'm sure he was protected."

"How do you know? I've never given him any condoms." I say.

"You didn't have to...I did."

"What the hell. When?"

"A while back."

"Were you ever gonna tell me this?"

"It wasn't that important."

"It is. Giving him condoms is like telling him to go have sex."

"Not even. Him having sex is inevitable. There's nothing we can do...I'd rather him be safe than not safe at all. Wouldn't you?"


"but nothing. He said they didn't do anything right, so at this point there's nothing to freak out about." I sigh.

"Okay...well I guess I'll let you relax and have some 'me' time."

"Thank you. I'll see you at dinner time." I look at my phone.

"You plan on staying in here for 4 hours?"


"Ridiculous." He slaps my ass hard as I walk off. "Ouch."

"You'll be alright." I hear him say. I go back to the living room with the kids and Dylan comes over and snuggles up to me. She's growing up so much...she'll be 11 this summer and I don't want her to be. I want her to stay my little baby forever. I want them all to, but they're gonna grow up eventually. I'm seriously gonna cry like a little baby when the twins graduate and cry even harder when they leave for college.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now