Chapter 73

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{Demi's POV}

It's Christmas morning, and I'm up making breakfast for the kids. Both my girls leave for school tomorrow night and I'm not ready for them to leave. I've enjoyed the company of all 5 of the kids and Colin has been here everyday and we've gone out and did things together as a family. He should be on his way over now.

The doorbell rings and one of the kids opens it.

"DAD'S HERE!" One of them yells.

"Dad's here." He repeats as he walks in the kitchen. "Merry Christmas Demi."

"Merry Christmas! You hungry?"

"I am." He stands behind me, reaches over my shoulder to grab a piece of bacon as he's always done before.


"Mmm that's good. Maple bacon?"


"When is it gonna be done. I'm starving."

"So are your 5 kiddos. Go tell them that the food is ready."

The rush in the kitchen. "I win." Colin says. They raced to the kitchen, of course.

"Okay okay, everybody chill. Grab a plate and dig in." I say.

After eating, the kids open presents.

"Alright....everyone take the box with your name on it." Colin says sitting the last 2 of 5 boxes on the ground.

"What is it?" CJ asks.

"Open it and look." The whole house is filled with the sound wrapping paper being ripped apart.

"What is this?" CJ asks.

"It's a hoverboard. They're new, y'all are one of the first to have one and they cost a fortune. But you hop on it and it senses your motion, and that determines wether you go forward, backward, or turn in circles."

Their eyes light up and grow even wider as they open the box. I got them all custom made with their names on it.

"Dad, these are so cool. I'm never walking on campus again!" Cayleigh says.

"I'm never walking again either."

"Go ahead and try em out. I charged them all last night."

"Let's go outside." Cali says.

"How much did those cost, Colin?"

"They were actually given to me. All the kids gotta do is post about them to promote the maker of them. But if I woulda paid for them, I would have spent 5 grand maybe."

"Well, that's nice of whoever it was."


"Yeah, I actually got one for myself too."

"Of course you did."

"I can get you one too." He says.

"It's fine. I don't need one. But I do wanna talk to you about something."

"What's on your mind?"

"I know that your dating, and the twins know. I don't really care, however, but you should tell them soon."

"Wait, how do you know? How do they know?"

"I don't know how they know. But be honest with them."

"I want to. I just don't know how to come out and say it. All they've known their whole lives is Demi and and dad. It may be a hard thing to swallow."

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now