Chapter 55

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{CeCe's POV}

My dad comes back downstairs after following my mom. I honestly can't believe what I saw today. My mom acting like she's not married and going off with some random dude. Once they started having sex, I had to leave. I was disgusted, and lost a lot of respect for my mom. Like how could she do that to my dad, unless there's something going on with them that we don't know about and if there is, they have a good way of hiding it. Which is weird because I just asked if they were good and she said yes. They went out to lunch today. Unless everything she told me earlier today was a lie. I just, I don't know. I don't know how I'd tell my dad, or if I can ever tell him.

"Well that was weird." Cali says.

"Yeah...does mommy not wanna eat with us?" Dylan asks.

"Maybe she's not feeling well." I say, easing her worries.

"Hey, your mom's not feeling too well, so let's try to keep the noise down tonight, okay." We nod.

I have to tell Cayleigh. I mean, if I can't tell my dad, I gotta tell somebody, and she's next in line, but this is too much to just say over the phone. Maybe I can get my dad to fly me to Nashville. Her basketball seasons about to start and it'd be nice if I could spend some time with her before it does start because she's gonna be super busy. She's already busy just with preseason workouts but the season is a different story.

"Dad, can I fly out to see Cayleigh tomorrow?"

"Why don't you just wait until the weekend?"

"Well....I kinda sorta have plans on Sunday."

"Like what?"

"Football game against the Giants..."

"I suppose you want tickets for that too?" He says.

"Yo, can I go." CJ asks.

"Yeah dad, we haven't been to a game yet, this season." Cali says.

"Woah, no one invited you heathens."

"Why not? What you trynna hide?" Cali asks.

"I'm not trynna hide anything..."

"Ooooo I know. Odell is playing on Sunday. That's why."

"Hold up. This dude wants you to see him play, but didn't give you tickets?" My dad asks.

"He was gonna give them to me, but I told him it was fine since you get the for free."

"Mhhm. Making excuses for that boy."

"No I'm not, dad. I promise. I mean, he sent me a jersey. I'm sure if I didn't have the hook ups on tickets, he would have given me a couple."

"I got you. How bout me make this a family affair, we'll all go."

"That definitely wasn't the plan, but sure, why not."

"Hopefully mommy feels better by then." Dylan says.

"Let's hope so am I good to go see Cayleigh until Saturday."

"Yeah, I guess so. I'll book your flight tonight."

"Thank you."

After eating, I shower then FaceTime Cayleigh. It takes a while, but she answers.

"What?" It's pretty obvious I was disturbing her sleep.

"My bad, were you sleep?"

"What do you think?...this better be important."

"It is. Guess who's coming to Nashville tomorrow?"


"Yes me. You get to see your favorite person ever."

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now