Chapter 16

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{Demi's POV}

A couple weeks go by and things seem like they're back to normal, but for Dylan, I know it's far from normal. Colin's enjoying all this free time he has. He still likes to workout and we do that early in the morning after dropping the kids off, and while Dylan is being home schooled. After what happened, we don't want any of them riding the bus, so we take them. Dylan still hasn't said anything to Colin. Won't go near him, hug him or anything. She'll still wakes up out of her sleep crying, and I know that something that'll go on for months. She starts therapy today. We didn't wanna rush into it so quickly, but it's something that needs to happen. We're going after she finishes with school. Her teacher gets here, I let her in, and they get started.

I walk upstairs to the room, and Colin's in the bathroom. "Who was that at the door...teacher?" "Yeah..." "You nervous about the therapy session?" "A little bit. I just hate that she's gonna have to relive the whole thing." "The poor girl relives this shit in her sleep ever night. Man, it's hard waking up in the middle of the night to her crying because of it...then I can't even hold her and let her know daddy won't let anything happen." "I know. It's hard for me too. Hopefully this helps her a little bit." "Hopefully....but in the mean time, get your butt dressed and lets do some work in this gym." "I was thinking we'd go on a run." "Lets do it. Get dressed." I change into Nike yoga pants, a tank and a pair of Nikes. Once we finish getting dressed, we head downstairs. I go to the table where Dylan and her teacher is and bend down next to her. " and daddy are gonna go on a run okay...we won't be long okay." She nods. "Please don't take long." "Don't worry, we won't. It'll be quick......I love you." "I love you too."

{Colin's POV}

After making it to the park, we sit down on the swings. "So have you decided if you're gonna take any of the job offers. You really haven't said much about it." She says. "Yeah, that's cause I've just been putting it off. I told you, if I do, we'd have to move to LA." "I see nothing wrong with that." "I know you don't, but the kids may see it, especially CeCe..her and Derek still together...what's it been, like 4 months." "Yup." "I thought he woulda fucked up by now and she would leave him alone." "I see you still haven't fully gotten over the fact that she's dating." "Nope. I'm glad that the other two aren't." "Have you ever considered the fact that Cali may boys." "What makes you say that?" "Colin, the girl walks around in basketball shorts, sweatpants, snapbacks, and Jordan's just about everyday. We finally get to go to church every Sunday, and for the past two Sundays that we've gone, not once have I seen her wear a dress."

I scratch my head. "Damn. I guess it really didn't register to me. Maybe it's just cause she her and CJ are so close. I don't know." "Well I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Maybe it's just a phase, maybe it's not." "You're right. Should we ask her about it or..." "I don't think we should." Wether my daughter likes boys or girls, I'm not gonna be mad or angry about it. Yeah I grew up in a Christian family, and I've raised my family that way, but I'm not gonna get mad over this. "I like how we went from talking about my job offers, to my daughter's sexuality..." "That was my fault. I just kinda felt like it was the elephant in the room, and needed to be addressed. Why not now...while we're at the park." I giggle. "Well I'm glad you did. As for the jobs, it's something I'll have to talk to the kids about. We can't just up and move." "I agree." I look at my phone. "We should get back...Dylan's appointment is soon." "Honestly I'm not prepared for this." "None of us are...come on. Lets go." I say and we start jogging towards the house."

We get back to the house, take quick showers and get dressed. By that time, Dylan's finished with school. I walk down stairs before Demi, and her and her teacher are watching tv. "I'll see you tomorrow." She tells Dylan. "Okay. Thank you for watching tv with me." I walk her to the door. "I hope everything goes well today." She says. "So do I. Hopefully this really helps. I know it won't take back what happened..but it'll give her some peace of mind. I hope." "Good luck." "Thank you." I lock the door after she walks out then go back to the living room. Dylan looks at me then back at the television. "Demi, we're gonna be late!" I yell. "I'm coming..." She says walking into the living room. She grabs her purse and stuff, I grab the keys and we leave. We pull up and Demi gets her out the car. "Do I have to do this?" "You don't have to...but daddy and I think it'll be good for you. She's only here to help." Demi says. I reach out my hand for her to take it, but she takes Demi's instead. "Come on." I say and we walk inside.

First part of the session, well majority of it, she spends time getting to know Dylan. Her favorite color, favorite things to do, favorite thing to watch on tv, stuff like that. I didn't think she'd jump right into asking her questions about what happened. They weren't direct and blunt but I thought that would be saved for later sessions. At that point she started to close up, and not say anything. "I don't wanna talk anymore." She says. "Can we cut this short? She's obviously uncomfortable." I say. "I agree." Demi says. "Sure. We can reconvene on was nice meeting you Dylan." "Bye." She says then waves. We leave and head home. "Want something to eat?" I ask her looking through the rear view mirror. She doesn't say anything. "I don't know if that's a yes or no..." I say leaning over towards Demi. "Lets just stop off and get something." "Wendy's okay?" "Yeah that's fine." She says putting her feet on the dash board. We get food then head home.

{Cayleigh's POV}

Im going through the school day as usual, and the bell rings for lunch to start. I meet up with my sister in the hallway. "How was class?" I ask. "Boring as always. Can spring break get here already." "You know our spring break trip might be cancelled right?" I say. "Yeah I know. I think it's a good decision know, for Dylan since she's still...." "Or maybe it'll be good. Take her mind off of what happened..." "I guess you have a point. I can only imagine the things she went through....then she hasn't talked to dad at all. That's gotta be hard for him." She says. "I know...but what are we eating, I'm starving." "I'm 10 cents away from hitting my limit on my credit card." "Damn CeCe. What the hell you buy?" "Derek's valentines gift was like a 100 bucks." "See this why I'm glad I'm single." I say. "Speaking of the devil." I add as he walks up to us and puts his arm around CeCe. "Hey beautiful." "Hey babe." They give each other a kiss and I roll my eyes.

This is everyday, they meet up and I become a third wheel. One thing I hate about her having a boyfriend, she's always with him when were at school...and I'm forced to be a third wheel until I'm just like eff it and go find other people to chill with or someone will come sit with me at the table. After lunch, she walks me to class. "Yo how'd you do on your algebra test?" I ask. "Ooooooooooooo." "CeCeeee." "I got a 63." "How the hell did you get a 63. What's all that studying you and Derek be doin?" "Weeeeeeeeeeeell..." "Well what?" "It kinda turns out into a make out session the first like five minutes." "Oh brother." "But don't worry though...I still have a 76 in the class." "When you should have an A." "Do you have an A?" "Yes. I do." "Man fail a test or something. I don't feel like being compared to you." "I'm not gonna fail for you." "You ain't real..." "I know I'm not. I'll see you later.." I say then walk into my class.

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