Chapter 8

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I finally open the door. "I was starting to worry you weren't here." "I was sleep I totally forgot you were bringing them early...are they in the car?" "Yeah, I woke them up at 5 almost 6 this morning. They were not having it with me afterwards." He says as we walk to the car. I get the little ones and he gets the twins. As I'm outside, I notice Kellen's car is parked directly in front of the house. "Who's car is that?" "The neighbors had a party last night, and ran out of parking space, so some random guy asked if he could park there." "And he's still here?" "Maybe he was too drunk to drive." I say, with no intention of that being any shade towards him, but I think he felt like it was. We put the kids in their rooms and walk back to the front of the house. "So, how was your week off?" "It was nice to have some 'me' time." "Yeah. You deserve it...I actually wanna talk to you about something."

"What's up?" "I had a lot of fun with the kids this week, and I was wondering if I can keep them for half of the summer, I don't care which half...I just wanna spend more time with them." "I wouldn't be opposed to that." "Thank you. Means a lot to me." "Well I didn't do it for you...I did it for them.they love being with you." "Then don't you think you should have stayed closer." "We've been through this several times Colin." "Yeah, I know. For your career and all that. But that's not the only reason why. You knew that if you stayed near me, you'd cave." "No that's not why." "Yeah it is. You can't resist me and I damn sure can't resist you, so you ran from the fact that this can be fixed." "No. I left because my unfaithful husband couldn't keep it in his pants. That's why. That's the second time you slept with another woman while we were together. How many times do you expect for me to forgive you? And any trust I had in you left. What's a marriage without trust." He steps closer to me. "Colin back up. Please." "Why..." "Because we can't go there." "What's stopping us.." "Nothing." "Okay then." He picks me up and walks us to the couch.

{Colin's POV}

I know somebody's in this house. I'm not that stupid to believe that stupid story she told me. If she wants to move on, fine, but imma leave her ass with this, she ain't never gone find someone that can do her like I did. I treated her like a queen in and out of the bedroom. I ain't gone be mad that she lied, cause I haven't been the most truthful with her. I lay her on her back, and it's not hard to get her clothes off. She only had on a big tshirt, panties and pajama shorts and I get that off quickly. I slide inside her give her quick deep strokes. Making her grab ahold of my tshirt tightly. And by the sound of her moans, she probably forgot dude was somewhere hiding. Luckily, the kids' doors are closed. "Ohhh Colin..." She moans. I'll never get tired of her moaning my name. To know I do this to her gives me all the pleasure in the world. "Ohhh fuck." I feel like I'm bout to fuckin explode. I pull out before I do.

I pull up my shorts and she gets dressed. "We can't keep doing this." "You keep saying that, but how many times have we fucked Demi...this ain't the first or second time." "I know...but this is our last time." "Aright....if you say so." I say then sit back on the couch. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" "Damn, and I'm getting kicked out too?" "It was just a question." I nod and stand up and she walks with me to the door. "Colin, I am so serious this time." "Cause of your little boyfriend. I'm not stupid Demi. I've told lies too. I can spot a lie when I hear one. Just make sure he's out of here before my kids wake up." "We're no longer live here. You don't tell me what I can and can not do, and who I can and can not bring around my children." "You heard what I said Demi. I don't want him around my children. Hell, after what he just hear, might not wanna be around yo ass anymore." "Leave." "Glad the way, I'm going to train for a couple weeks, and I'll be back to see them afterwards." I say then go to my truck.

{Demi's POV}

I close the door and go to my room, but before I can open the door, Kellen beats me to it. "That was some conversation you guys had.." "Kellen, I'm sorry." "No need. I'm gonna go...and you probably don't have to worry about seeing me again." "Kellen, please." "Please what? want me to hang around and pretend like the last 15 minutes didn't happen or that you still have feelings for your ex husband." "I don't have feeling for him." "Didn't sound like it." "It was just sex. Kellen I swear, it meant nothing. I like you. A lot. I'm done with him. If it's not about our kids, then there's no reason for us to talk...just give me another chance." He takes a deep breath. "Fine...I do have to leave however.." He says and we walk to the door. "Come back later after I put my kids down for bed?" "Sure. I'll see you then." He says then gives me a kiss on the cheek and leaves.

I shut the door, lock it, and lean against the door and think about what the hell just happened. I can't keep letting Colin take over me. I can't just give in anymore. "Great, I need to take a shower now." I say out loud. I go shower before the kids wake up. As I get out, and wrap the towel around me, Cay'Lyn walks in the restroom. "Hey baby." "Where's daddy?" "He left already. He had to be somewhere. Did you have fun with him?" "Yeah. We went to grandma and grandpa's yesterday." "Did you have fun over there?" She nods. "I missed you." She says. "I missed you more honey. Ready to go back to school." "Yeah...I miss my friends." "I'm sure they miss you too...but go brush your teeth, and let mommy get dressed." "Do you want me to wake up my sisters and CJ." "No. I know daddy woke you guys up early, so I'm gonna let them sleep." "Okay." She walks out and I get dressed. When I finish, she's still in the bathroom brushing her teeth. "Almost done?" She nods. When she finishes, I make a pot of oatmeal for them all when they wake up. After eating breakfast, we cuddle on the couch...the other couch and watch TV.

Once all the kids are up, I get them dressed and we go to my parents. Dallas and Wesley come over a little bit after us. "'s things going with Kellen?" "Good..,I almost fucked up today though." "Whyyy, what happened?" "Long story." "Look around, we have no where to go and nothing to do...start talking." I explain everything to her. "Demi come on. You have to be smarter than that?" "I know..I was just caught up in the moment." "You're always caught up in the moment." "I can't help it Dallas." "What hold does this man have on you?" "I don't know, but I'm not gonna allow it anymore." "You said that last time." "I'm so serious! Today really out it in perspective. I really...really like Kellen and I wouldn't dare try to hurt him because I know how it feels." "Well, you better keep those legs closed honey." "But you said..." "Keep them closed from Colin. You can open them all day and nigh for Kellen's hot ass." "Oh brother. We've only been talking for like a week. Don't you think it's a little early for sex." "No. You're not getting any younger. Just go ahead and live life. Yolo." "Did you really just say yolo." "Yup, and I meant it. Hey you never know, Kellen can probably put some type of sexual spell on you. Stronger than Colin's maybe..." "Okay now that scares me." "Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but you I know you catch my drift." "Yes I do, and I don't know. Maybe. But what I've only had sex with one man, in ten years. So I'm a little insecure to let someone else explore my body." "Just give it a shot...whenever your ready I guess. I can't pressure you." "Yeah, well you pressured me into going on a date with the guy." "And look how great that turned out. Is anything official." "Not really, but I hope it will be soon. Like I said, I really like him, and when we kissed for the first time, I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time." "Awww...well definitely keep him." "I'll see what I can do."

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now