Chapter 18

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I'm glad we had an early game this week. I left straight out of Seattle to New York, but even with the time difference, I'm gonna land around 10 almost 11. There's wifi on the plane, so I iMessage Demi a a selfie.

C: ✈✈✈

D: 👏👏👏 Can't wait to see you

C: I can't wait to see you either beautiful.

It's a while before she texts me back, but when she does it's a picture. A selfie of her laying on the bed, hair's down, it's obvious she doesn't have clothes on but her arm is over her body, covering her breast. We need to land, and fast.

C: Look at God😍" I reply.

D: 😼

C: You better not fall asleep on me😒

D: I won't. I promise😜

C: I'm serious.

D: I know you are, and so am I. I wish you would hurry up and get here.

C: For real. Fuck these long as flights. I need some of that 😺 now😩😩

D: you'll get it. As soon as you get here.

I scroll back up to the picture, and just the sight of it makes my dick hard. There's no one in the seat next to me or across from me, and home boy in front of me is sleep. In first class, they give you a small pillow, and I use it as a shield. I unbutton and unzip my pants and take my dick out. It springs up, towards me.

I take a selfie, making sure to get my dick in the picture and send it to her.

C: 😏🍆*

D: *steve urkel voice* did I do that?

C: 😂😂😂yes. You did. It's all your fault.

D: have you dick out on the plane.

C: ...I might. Chill out. No one can see me.

D: That you know of.

C: Nah I'm positive. No one can see. But imma put it away.

I do so, and it goes down.

C: Imma catch some 💤, so I can be energized for tonight.

D: Yeah, I'm gonna take a nap too. Don't worry, I'll set my alarm. She replies.

C: You better. I'll see you soon😘

D: 😘😘I

lower my hat, and turn up my music. I dose off, and wake up when it's almost time to land. We finally land. I get off the plane and go to baggage claim. After my bag finally comes through, I walk towards the exit. Demi sent a car for me. We get to the hotel, I give them my name and stuff, and they hand me a key and I go up to the room.

After waking up from my nap, I lay in bed, with my bathrobe on and wait for colin to get here. I hear the door being unlocked, I close my eyes, and pretend like I'm sleeping. The door is opened, and soon, I feel him get on top of me. I have one eye opened just a little, enough to see what he's doing. He goes in to undo the tie holding the robe together, but I grab his wrist, while opening my eyes, and he jumps. "So you weren't sleep?" "Nope. Told you I'd wait up." I say then smile. "What's underneath the robe." "Open it and see." I slowly unties the knot, and opens the robe, and his eyes grow wide when he sees I have nothing on. "Beautiful." He says. I unbutton his crisp, white button down shirt, and slide it off his body. In a matter of seconds every piece of clothing is off of him. I admire everything about his beautiful, tattooed, muscular body. He leaves a trail of kisses as he makes his way down, sending surges through my body with every kiss. It's not long before his tongue going to work, making me moan like crazy. My body starts squirming to a point of no control.

Before I reach a full blown orgasm, he comes back up, leaving me wanting more. I want all of him, and that's exactly what he gives me. He slides in with no warning, and goes deep. I'm just like damn, could I have gotten a warning, but I didn't too much care because I was in a world of bliss, and didn't wanna leave it. I'm glad my audition isn't till the afternoon because we went a few rounds and didn't finish till 1 almost 2 in the morning. after showering and we get back in bed. "You still nervous?" He asks. "Yeah. It's been years since I've been on screen. I'm confident and all...I'm just still scared...if that makes sense." "You'll do fine." "Are you coming with me." "Nahhhh I'm just gonna stay here and sleep." "Really?" "I'm just playin. You know I'm gonna support you." He says then gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Now get some rest." He says resting his head on my chest and holding me close. He's out in seconds..and I follow close behind.

The next morning, I wake up, look over and Demi's not in bed. I sit up and see she's in my button down shirt, looking out the window through the blinds. I grab my phone and look at the time, and it's almost 10. I get out of bed, and hug her from behind, holding her close. "Good morning." I say then give her a kiss on the cheek. "If we didn't have kids...I'd love to rent a condo and live here." "We still can. When the the kids go off to college we can move here." "Maybe..." Soon we start getting ready to leave for her audition. Once we get ready, we leave. There are fans waiting outside the hotel for both of us. We stop to sign a few autographs, but we can't do them all. We get in the car and leave. "I wonder if the kids are awake." She says. I call on my phone and we only speak to CJ and Cali because the twins left with Maddie last night. After talking to them, I call Maddie's phone to talk to the twins and we put them on speaker.

"Hey pretty girls." Demi says. "Hi mommy." "What are y'all up to?" I ask. "Getting ready to go to the park. What are you up to?" "Nothin...going to mommy's audition." "Good luck mommy." "Yeah...good luck mommy." "Thank you." We pull up to our destination. "Listen, we'll call you girls later okay." I say. "Okay." "We love you." Demi says. "Love you too." They both say. And we hang up. "You know the girls asked if they can go to auditions and be on TV." "You told them no right?" "Why would I tell them that?" "They're too young. It's be too early to get them into the spotlight." "Which is why I said to wait till they're older, and if it's still something they want to pursue, I'll help them." "Okay, I can deal with that." "But in the mean time, I told them maybe I can get them into modeling or something. You know for like clothing ads and stuff. You know how we see big pictures of kids on the walls when we go shopping...that could be them." "As long as it doesn't interfere with school." "So that means you're on board..." "Yes. Demi. I'm on board." "Great. Now lets go so I can kill this audition." She says. We get out and head inside.

We go in and wait till the directors ready for her. She finally gets called back and I chill out here. I hop on Instagram and post a picture of Demi I took this morning while she was lookin out the window.

"Luckiest man in the world❤😍" I wait and she comes back out.

" do you think you did." "Killed it." "So you got the part." "I don't know yet...I'll know in a few days." "Okay...ready?" "Yup...and I'm hungry." "So you tellin...lets go eat." "We go eat somewhere lowkey and head back to the hotel and get ready for our flights. She's heading back to LA and I'm going back to San Francisco because I have practice tomorrow. We get back to the room and she starts packing. My stuff is already in my bag. While she's doing so, she gets a call. "Hello." She says. All of a sudden, her eyes light up. "Thank you. Okay, talk to you soon....bye." "Who was that?" "I got the part..." "That's great baby. I'm proud of you." I say hugging her tightly. "Thank you. Thanks for coming with me." "No problem....that was fast." "I know. They seemed to like me, and that's what he said on the phone. I was the last audition for the role and he said he knew I was the one." "That's good. I knew you'd kill it. A when does shooting and stuff start?" "Not for a while it got pushed back, which is actually good, because the kids should be out of school but then, and you'll be done with football. It's perfect." "Sounds good. I'm really happy and excited for you. Now it's time to take the movie industry by storm. Get them Oscars girl." "You know it." She finishes and soon we leave for the airport.

We walk inside, avoiding flashing cameras and go through security. Once we get passed that, her plane leaves before mine, so I walk her to her gate. "So the kids and I will see you this weekend." She says. They're coming for the home game and is staying at my place for the weekend. "Can't wait. I'll call you once I land." "Okay." I give her a quick kiss on the lips and head for my gate.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now