Chapter 1

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{Demi's POV}

About a week goes by and I haven't found a house yet. I just haven't found the right one yet. I kinda find it weird that I'm back in the pool house in the backyard. It's enough space for me and the kids to be here temporarily. No one really knows about the divorce, and I wanna keep it that way for a while. I mean no one needs to know, and I'm not prepared to hear all the crazy stories that people are gonna make up. I've found a school for the kids to go through, and they start in a couple weeks. Cali's 3rd birthday is in a few days, and I have nothing planned. I've been so caught up in getting settled in, that it really kinda slipped my mind until yesterday. We'll find something to do. It may not be a huge party but it'll still be special. We're on our way to Dallas' house right now. We got a little bored at my parents. We get there and the kids go run off and play.

"So how've you been?" She asks as we sit on the couch. "I've seen better days." "I'm really sorry this is happening. I thought you two of all couples would be the last to file for divorce." "I know...I just can't look past the fact that he looked me dead in the eye Dallas...and lied. Like it was nothing." I say. I get pissed off just talking about it. "So what now?" "My music. Maybe go back into acting. Npthis isn't gonna change anything." "I understand from a career standpoint...but I mean for you...aside from your career." "You mean like dating?" "Yeah." "Well...not really gonna try it. I mean my divorce isn't even final yet, and no one is gonna wanna date a woman with four kids." "What are you talking about, you're a milf." "I'm damaged good is what I am, if you know what I mean. Three of the four of my kids escaped outta that thing." "Oh god. You're so dramatic. When you're ready, let me know...I might know some people." "I'd rather not." "We'll see in about a month or so when you're sexually frustrated, and become a stuck up bitch, all because some you need dick in your life...especially when you were used to getting it almost everyday." "Are you done yet." "Yes I am." "Good" "Do you wanna come with me to go look at a few houses tomorrow." "Yeah, that'll be fun." "Think Ben will be okay watching the kids for a couple hours." "Definitely. He's like a big kid himself...he can handle them." "Cool."

The kids and I stay over till it gets dark. Before going home, I stop to get them something to eat. My parents are already upstairs in their rooms so we head straight to the pool house. "You guys hurry and eat so you can take a bath." "I wanna talk to daddy." Cayleigh says. ", bath, and I'll call daddy so y'all talk to him." They eat and I put the girls in the tub together, and quickly bathe them and get them in pjs. "Okay can we call daddy now?" "Wait, let me bathe your brother first then I will." "Mommy..I don't wanna wait anymore." " me like 5 minutes okay?" "K." I quickly give CJ a bath and put him in his pjs. "Okay, lets see if daddy will answer." I FaceTime him, and it takes a few rings but he finally pics up. "The kids wanna talk to you." "Hi daddy!" Cayleigh says taking the phone, and puts it on both her and Cay'Lyn. "Daddy!!" Cay'Lyn says. "Hey pretty girls, what are you doing." "Laying down." "Yeah, bout to go to sleep?" They both nod. "I miss you." Cayleigh says. "I miss you too. But daddy will see you soon okay." Both their faces light up. "Okay. You girls sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." They both giggle. "Where's Cali and CJ." "Cali went to sleep already...and CJ's with mommy." "Let me see the honey." I say and she hands it to me. "Here, talk your daddy." "Hey buddy." "Papa." He says pointing to the screen. "I miss you lil man..." "Blow daddy a kiss." He kiss his hand and that's it. He doesn't have the blowing part down. I lay him next to me and he starts to dose off along with his sisters. "I'm coming this weekend to see them, and take them shopping for school." "That's fine by me." "Alright, tell them I'll see them this weekend." "Will do." I say and we hang up."

{Colin's POV}

A week goes by and I finally get to see my kids. Its Cali's birthday and I decided to make the drive to LA so I can bring all her presents and stuff. By the time I actually get in town, it's around 2 something. They should be at Chuck-E-Cheese by now. I hate being away from my kids this long, and it makes it worse that it's actually my fault they're all not in San Francisco with me, including Demi. I'm a little nervous, because I don't know how her family now perceives me, especially father. Something I promised him was that I'd take care of his daughter, and that I wouldn't hurt her, and i broke it. I get to chuck-e-cheese, grab all the gifts and head inside. I spot Demi over at one of the tables in the party section with Cali in her lap and I walk over. Demi points me out to Cali and she has a big smile on her face. She runs over, and I drop the gift bags so she can run in my arms. "Hey baby girl..." I say hugging her tightly. "Happy birthday." "I wan go pway.." She says pointing to the games. "Okay, lets to take your presents to the table and we can go play. We go over to the table and I just feel awkward. Demi, Dallas and some of Demi's friends are talking, but that comes to an end when I walk over, and I get looks. "Hey." "Hey." "Where are the twins and CJ." "CJ's with my dad, Ben and Wesley...and the twins are somewhere with Madison." I nod. "Here.." I say handing her the gifts and she puts them with all the others. "I'm gonna take her to go play." "Okay." I pick Cali up and toss her in the air, making her laugh. "Lets go play." We go to where the games are and I search for Madison and the twins before we start and I spot them within a couple minutes. The twins see me immediately, and run towards me, with out Madison even knowing. "Daddy!!!!" They both yell. "My beautiful girls!" I say hugging them, and I pull Cali into it, and pick all three of them up. "Daddy I missed you." Cayleigh says. "I missed you too. I missed all of you, and CJ." "Daddy I wanna go home with you. I don't wanna stay with mommy." Cayleigh says. "Lets not talk about that now...lets have fun okay." "Okay."

Madison looks up and realize the girls aren't with her, but sees them with me. We walks over. "Hey Maddie." "Hey.." She says with a smile. "Don't worry, what goes on between you and Demi, is between you and Demi. That doesn't take away from how you've been a big brother to me from the beginning." "Thank's she doin?" "From what I've seen, she's holding up well. How are you?" "I'm aight. I just don't wanna talk about it here." She nods. We play some games and I see CJ and Eddie. Maddie watches the girls while I go see them. He standing, playing wack a mole. I walk up behind him and he's walking the shit our of the moles and a little out of control and almost hits me. "Woah there!" He looks back at me and smile then goes back to his game. After the game is over he's excited over the tickets coming out of the machine. Soon it's time to sing happy birthday and eat cake. After that I pull Eddie to the side and have a good talk with him, surprisingly. I talk to Dianna too. "Demi, can I talk to you outside..." The kids go off and play and we go outside.

"What's up?" "Just wanna talk to you. How are you?" "I'm good Colin." "Alright....well I see you really ain't trynna have a conversation so I'll stop beating around the bush. Cayleigh said that wants to come home with me..." "Well she doesn't start school for another week so that's fine with me." "I think she wants to stay longer than a week Demi." "I thought we've been through this." "Yeah, but you were making decisions, and I went along with it cause I didn't have a choice. This is all her." "So she doesn't wanna stay with me?" I can see her getting emotional about it. "I wanna know why...I mean I haven't done anything that would make her not wanna stay." "Look, I'm not gonna be a monster and take her. I mean I'd love for my kids to live with me...hell I want them to but she don't have to. You're still her mother and what you say goes..." She wipes away a tear from her eye. "Look. I'm here till tomorrow morning, talk to her, and I'll let you decide what to do." She nods and goes back inside.

Reinvention: Sequel to The Married LifeWhere stories live. Discover now