Chapter 6 - Summers End

Start from the beginning

“Hey Matt so have you and Bel-,” she was cut off by me screaming,

“Steph, NO WE HAVEN’T!” I really didn’t want that to be the first question that she asks Matt or for that matter for her to ask him that at all.

“Haven’t what?” Matt wondered with a cute confused look on his face.

“Nothing,” I said glaring down at Steph pointedly.

“Matt as the best friend I must tell you something,” Steph said with her serious face.

“Okay go ahead,” Matt said lifting me up and pulling me down onto his lap wrapping his arm around my waist.

“If you hurt her I hurt you,” she threatened; eyeing him down.

“Promise I won’t hurt her… she’s too special,” he said staring down at me.

“Stephy, James and Tom are here to see you,” Lilly called out. Lilly is Steph’s mom.

“Okay mom, send them up,” she yelled back.

“So is it nice sunny and warm in California?” she asked.

“Yes its beautiful sunny everyday I’m so coming here again,” I announced looking up at Matt and smiling.

“You’re so lucky it hasn’t stopped raining here in like a week, and its super boring,” she said.

“Hey we’re not that boring are we?” Tom questioned walking into her room closely followed by James.

“No, just the rain,” she quickly told them.

They both stood next to Steph with a cheeky smile on Tom’s face… I knew that face he was going to do something to Steph.

Tom pulled something out of his pocket, I couldn’t see what it was.

“What’s with the awkward silence here guys,” she asked, we were all being silent Matt and I trying to figure out what they were going to do.

Tom was being quiet so they wouldn’t get caught.

“Hey Steph what’s that?” James asked pointing to the ceiling.

“What,” she wondered looking up. Gosh she is soo gullible

Tom quickly placed something on her keyboard.

“I can’t see anything,” she announced looking back down. Her eyes widened in shock falling off the chair hiding under the desk with the biggest scream I’ve ever heard her do.

Summers EndWhere stories live. Discover now