Welcome London!

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"That's a beautiful name!!!" Mom and Rydel exclaimed.

I smiled looking down at London. She is really beautiful! Cute chubby cheeks, Laura's lips, soft skin, and I'm waiting for those little eyes to open.

"Do you want to hold her?" Laura asked.

"Please!" I smiled.

Laura then handed her to me. Holy shit! I've already fallen in love! She is beautiful!

"Well Laura it seems you have some tearing," the doctor said.


She nodded.

"The bleeding hasn't stopped so we are going to have to stitch you up right away. But don't worry it won't take to long!" The doctor said and Laura nodded.

They then had to take her out of the room.

"Can I hold her?" Mom asked and I smiled.


All of a sudden our family came in.

"Oh my gosh!" They exclaimed.

I smiled looking at London in moms arms.

"Guys say hi to London Love Lynch!"

Everyone just smiled like idiots.

"Wait where is Laura?" Riker asked.

"She has to get stitched up,"

"Oh ow."

I chuckled.

"She will be back soon,"

After everyone got a chance to hold her she came back to me. Sadly, Romeo is asleep so he can't be introduced yet. But I guess it's ok because Laura will want to see that.

All of a sudden her eyes opened looking up at me. They were beautiful! They were blue being a baby but I know they will end up changing.

"Hi London, it's daddy!" I smiled.

"That's going on YouTube!" Ratliff exclaimed and I slightly chuckled.

Sadly the nurses had to take her from me to do a few tests.

"So buddy, how does it feel?" Dad asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Amazing! But I'm really nervous!"

He chuckled.

"You'll do fine. But we have a show tonight remember?"

I frowned.

"Don't worry it's rescheduled!"

"Thanks Dad!"

I really couldn't bare to fly out to a show leaving Laura and our new baby.

After 30 minutes Laura still wasn't back and they were still doing some tests with London.

"Where is Laura?" I sighed. "They said it wouldn't take long."

"Don't worry Ross," Mom smiled.

A few minutes later that nurse came back with London and handed her to me.

"Laura passed out because of the amount of blood she lost but she will be back soon," the nurse said.

I frowned. Poor Laura! Birth sounds like it sucks ass! After 15 minutes of sitting with London and talking to everyone they brought Laura back in.

"There is the mother of 2!" Dad exclaimed.

She smiled.

"Can I see my baby?" Laura asked.

The kiss Sequel to Best Friends brother (raura)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon