Is he ok?

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"We ran some tests and the baby is ok." The doctor said and ross sighed of relief and hugged rocky.

"But we had to give Laura's lots of shots and a few tests and she isn't feeling that great right now but you guys can go see her in room 14 b." the doctor said.

"Ok thank you so much doctor!" ross said and went in lauras hospital room with the lynches following him and he went up to her to see her sleeping and saw needles in her arm and a tear fell from his eyes and held her hand.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you Laura, I love you and I just want to kiss your beautiful lips and hold you in my arms forever." Ross said and her eyes slowly opend.

"R-ross?" Laura asked.

"Yea I'm here baby and I'm really sorry." Ross said.

"I-it's ok." She slowly said.

"Are you in pain baby?" Ross asked.

"Y-yea." She said.

"Ok sweetie please sleep." Ross said and Laura closed her eyes and ross kissed her cheek and sat on the couch with the lynches.

"Hey ross we are going home are you comming?" Stormie asked.

"No I'm staying with Laura riker and rocky you can just let yourself in." Ross said.

"Ok." They said and everyone left then the doctors ended up coming in taking the needles out of Laura's arms and ross took one of the blankets from the couch then fell asleep he then woke up from Laura coughing and went up to her.

"Baby are you ok need some water?" Ross asked.

"Um if you can get some." She said I then realized it was 3am and asked the doctor for some water and they gave it to me and I gave it to Laura.

Thanks." She said and ross smiled.

"Anything for you baby you should get back to sleep." Ross said.

"Ok." Laura said and laid her head on the pillow and ross kissed her cheek then took off his shirt and jeans not caring because he was at the doctors he then put the blanket over himself and almost fell asleep intill.

"Rossy." Laura said.

"Yea?" Ross asked.

"Um can you sleep with me?" Laura asked.

Ross's POV

"Ok baby." I said getting up and getting in her hospital bed and she snugged up to me and I put the covers over us and I softly kissed her lips then we fell asleep.

I woke up to Laura moving around and I open my eyes to see she is awake.

"Good morning beautiful" I said and softly kissed her lips.

"Good morning rossy." Laura said.

"Do you feel better?" I asked her sitting up.

"Yea a lot." She said and I smiled I then got out of the bed with her and put on my pants.

"Did you forget something?" Laura asked.

"Nope ross lynch doesn't need a shirt when he has these abs." I said touching my abs.

"Whatever!" Laura giggled.

"Good you're awake." The doctor said walking in the room.

"When can we go home?" I asked the doctor.

"She is good you can go home when ever." The doctor said.

"Ok thanks." I said and the doctor left.

The kiss Sequel to Best Friends brother (raura)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ