Birthday getaway?

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Fuck fuck fuck! Ok so London is 3 weeks old today and Laura is 21 tomorrow! I'm so nervous! I've planned to take her to Vegas for 3 days I just hope she'll be ok with leaving the kids.

"Hey," I smirked getting on top of Laura.

She giggled.

"Good morning to you too,"

"Your 21 tomorrow. That's also the day we can.......," I smirked.

"Ross!" She laughed hitting my chest.

"We can't do that yet,"

I chuckled.

"Another month I know. Buttttt I need to ask you something,"

She nodded.

"Can I have the honor of taking you to Vegas tomorrow for 3 days?"

She smiled.

"I'd love to!"

"So you wouldn't mind leaving the kids with Mom?"

"Not at all. I know they will be in good hands."

I smiled. I then jumped off her pulling her close.

"Laura, I love you!"

"I love you too!"

"Damn I still can't believe your going to be 21!" I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Shower with me?"

"Huh?" She questioned.

"Want to take a shower with me? We haven't in a long time. Plus it's still early the kids shouldn't be up at least for another 30 minutes."

She smiled.


Walking into the bathroom I turned on the shower and faced the fully clothed Laura behind me. I smirked.

"What's with that look?" She giggled.

"Your beautiful,"

"Gosh why are you being such a sweetheart!" She chuckled.


I guess I was wrong. The second we got into the shower cries came from London.

I sighed.

"Hey we tried," Laura giggled.

Jumping out of the shower we went to get London.

"Hey peanut don't cry!" I picked her up.

Yes peanut is her nickname. I mean she is so small! She looked up at me and stopped crying.

I smiled.

"Good peanut,"


Well everything is set up! Laura and I are heading to Vegas tomorrow and Mom and Dad will be watching the kids. I know I can't take her to any big clubs are anything but I know we'll have fun.

"Romeo!" I exclaimed picking him up over my head making him giggle.

I brought him to my waist and ruffled up his already messy hair.

"Come on buddy lets go get some breakfast!"

That night we dropped the kids off because our fight is at 7:55am and no point waking them up.

Well it's currently 5am. And it's Laura's birthday! I ran downstairs, grabbed a cupcake I brought the night before, and went back upstairs.

"Time to get up Laura. Your 21!" I exclaimed.

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