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Holy crap! Tomorrow is Halloween! Laura's baby could come at any time between the next 2 weeks! And Romeos birthday is in 4 days! Fuck this is crazy! Time is weird. It goes by so fast! It feels like just yesterday when I found out Laura was pregnant with Romeo! As Romeo's birthday goes we are having his party at home so it's easy but we are going to make it awesome! Rocky's birthday is the day before at really fancy night club and there are strippers. I can't go tho because I'm not 21! Ryland can't go either so it's everyone else. I went to one in the Bahamas and it was so fucking awesome! I was caught on video and put on YouTube...... Anyways we have the entire house decorated for Halloween and Romeo loves it all! Today we are finally going to the pumpkin patch and to be honest I'm really excited! I really hope Romeo enjoys it! We decided to go kinda early so Laura am I got up like 7:30 and jumped in the shower.

"Mmmmm I'm tired maybe I should rest here," I said putting my head on Laura's bare chest.

She then giggled.

"Nice try!" She said pushing my head off.

Once Laura and I got Ready Romeo woke up around 8:45 so we quickly got him ready and got him breakfast. Lucky today he was in a good mood! Once we got to the pumpkin patch it was packed but still awesome!

"What should we do first?" I asked Laura who was getting Romeo out of his car seat.

"What about the tires to play on? He might like that!"

"Ok cool."

Tho once we walked over to them we realized its dangerous for him if he fell he could land on hard concrete.

"Sorry bud!" Laura exclaimed. "Look Ross giant cookies!" Se exclaimed.

"I'm guessing those pregnancy cravings are back!" I chuckled.

She nodded.

We then ended up getting a gigantic cookie and of course we shared with Romeo.

Romeo had his eyes on the circus act so of course we went to let him watch.

"He's loving it!" Laura exclaimed. It's true he had a big smile on his face.

After the act we started walking around till Romeo saw all the animals. He loves animals! So fucking much! I don't even know why maybe because of Rascal.

"There is no way I'm going in there!" Laura exclaimed pointing to the goat pen where people could go in, pet, and feel the goats.

I laughed and took Romeo inside. We then decided to finally go on the hay ride and get pumpkins! After the hay ride we were free the roam the open field. Romeo kept doing his best to walk but it was too hard for him with all the twigs and pumpkins. So I just ended up holding him.

"Should we get Romeo a big or small pumpkin?"

"I was thinking small so we can let him paint it," she said and I agreed.

"Yea that's awesome."

We ended up finding the perfect size pumpkin for Romeo then two big ones for Laura and I.

Once we got home Romeo went down for a nap. So Laura and I got the candy bowl set up and started to carve the guts out of the pumpkin. Next thing we knew Laura and I were laughing as we threw the insides of the pumpkin at each other.

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