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"What!!" They all said.

"Fuck lets go the the hospital and someone call Ross!"

"Ok let's go and Alexa call ross." Rydel said and they left the mall and got in the car.

/phone convo/

"Ross!" Alexa said.

"What's up?"

"Get to the hospital the baby is coming!"

Fuck I'm on my way!" Ross exclaimed.

Ross's POV

Fuck! This baby is coming! I quickly grabbed the diaper bag and everything we needed and rushed to the hospital.

"Baby I'm here." I said running up to Laura seeing them walk in.

We then got a hospital room.

"Ok Laura we need you to put on this gown." The doctor said.

"Ok." Laura said taking it and I followed her into the bathroom as she changed.

"I'm sorry for being a dick I still love you!" I exclaimed.

"I love you too, Ross!" She smiled.

"Laura has your water broken yet?" The doctor asked once we got back in the room.


"Ok can you open your legs for me." The doctor asked and Laura did as told.

"Laura have you lost your mucus plug let." The doctor asked.

"No why?" Laura asked.

"Your in false labor." The doctor said.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"Relax you're fine but your not in labor." The doctor said. I think Laura and I were both a little upset.

"Ross?" Laura asked me once we got home.

"Yea sweetie?" I asked.

"Um are we still on a break?" She asked and I could tell she was trying not to cry.

"Laura, I love you with all my heart! I can be a really big dick I have done so many stupid things that I regret and hate myself for! I hate ever putting you through pain and baby no we aren't on a break because I love you to much." I said and she smiled.

Laura's POV
Ross eventually left to go get food. I really didn't know what to do so I went on Instagram to see something rydel posted. It was of me on the hospital bed and ross holding my hand and the caption said.

Sadly Laura had false labor hopefully that baby will come soon!

I smiled seeing the sweet comments some were hate but I didn't really care!

I then put my I pad down and started watching tv then about 30 minutes later Ross came home.

"Guess what!"

"What?" He asked giving me my food and sitting next to me.

"I watched porn!" I lied.

He laughed.

"Yea right!"

I giggled.

"Ok, ok you got me!"

"Well lets eat." He exclaimed.

I'm so mean I know all of you wanted the baby to come😁😝

The kiss Sequel to Best Friends brother (raura)Where stories live. Discover now