The baby is comming

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"Fuck!! Ok get in the car I got everything!" I said running upstairs grabbing the diaper bag and her purse and I also got her extra clothes and I grabbed my phone and ran in the car to see her in there and started the car grabbing her hand and she looked really scared.

"Baby it's going to be ok." I said and she took a deep breath and got her phone and called my mom.

I'm actually and really nervous and I am speeding I think I ran like 3 red lights we finally got there and I helped her out.

"God it's starting to hurt!" She said.

"It's ok I'm here." I said then we got in.

"HELP MY GIRLFRIEND IS GOING INTO LABOR." I yelled then doctors came over and gave Laura a gown and she quickly changed and got in the bed.

"Ok Laura would you like a epidural?" The doctors asked.

"No I want natural birth." Laura said I looked at her like she was crazy.

"What the fuck do you know how painful that is." I said.

"I know but it's a really easy recovery without it." She said.

"Ok then I hope that baby comes out fast." I said.

"Me to." Laura said.

"Well Laura you barley dilated so it might take awhile." A doctor said.

"Ok." Laura said and the doctor left and laura sighed.

"God this is going to take awhile." Laura sighed.

"It will be over before we know it wait you must have been having lots of contractions why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"I didn't want you freaking out." She said and I sighed.

"Ok but next time tell me." I said.

"Ok." She said then all of a sudden all my family comes in.

"Hi Laura!" Everyone said.

"Hi." She said.

"So this baby is already coming." Mark said.

"Yea I'm 2 mounts early but I'm happy." Laura said.

"Well I'm glad you are dear." Stormie said.

"So when are you getting the epidural?" Rydel asked.

"I'm not getting it I'm having a natural birth." Laura said and everyone looked at her crazy except mom and dad

"Damn you are going to be screaming your head off!" Riker said.

"How do you know?" Laura asked.

"Well mom had a natural birth with ryland and I was in the waiting room and I herd her screaming." Riker said and tears came down Laura's face and I hit him in the head.

"I-I'm s-scared!" Laura said.

"No sweetie it's going to be ok just think it's your baby and you will have a really easy recovery." Stormie said wiping Laura's tears.

"Thanks stormie." Laura said and she smiled.

"You will do great." Stormie said.

Laura's POV

All of A sudden it felt like a pool of water went in between my legs and I realized my water broke ross being the person he is just asked me if I peed then I told him my water broke and he freaked out telling me to go in the car he then got in the car and started rushing to the hospital and I got my phone and called stormie.

The kiss Sequel to Best Friends brother (raura)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant