My dads!

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They all then finished eating and sat on the couch. Ross and Laura snuggled and Taylor snuggled up to a pillow and they all watched tv.

"Taylor would you like some pajamas?" Laura asked.

"Yes please." Taylor said politely.

"Ok follow me and I will let you pick out some pajamas." Laura said getting up off Ross's lap and brought Taylor to her fashion room.

Ross's POV
Laura and Taylor went upstairs to change into their pajamas then I went to my room and took off my shirt and pants leaving me in my boxers. I got 2 blankets one for me and Laura and the other for Taylor. I then went downstairs waiting for Laura and Taylor then they both came down in night gowns.

"Taylor, I got you a blanket." I said standing up and giving to her and she smiled.

"Thanks." She said and wrapped it around her body and Laura snuggled up to me and we all started watching tv then all of a sudden My phone rang and I picked it up.

\phone convo\

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi this is mike calling from the police station we found Taylor's parents and they are on their way to pick her up." Mike said.

"Ok thanks great thanks!" I said and hung up.

/end of convo/

"Who was that?" Laura asked.

"Well I looks like Taylor's parents Are coming to pick her up." I said.

"Yay thanks so much!!!!" She said getting up and hugged Laura and I.

"Your welcome sweetie." I said and she smiled.

"Wait um Laura do you want your clothes back?" Taylor asked.

"No you keep them." Laura said and she smiled.

"Thanks you." She said then the door ball rang and I answered it two see 2 guys.

"Daddy's!" Taylor said in excitement and hugged them.

"Oh god Taylor I'm happy your ok." A tall guy with brown hair said hugging her.

"You can thank Ross for saving me." She said with a smiled.

"Thanks man for saving our little girl!" The guy with a lighter brown hair said.

"No problem." I said and they smiled.

"You can also thank Laura for these clothes I'm wearing." Taylor said.

"Well thank you so much Laura." The guy with dark brown hair said.

"Is there anything we can do to repay you?" The guy with light brown hair said.

"Nope just get home safe." Laura said and they smiled and left.

"Ok ross that guy with light brown hair was totally checking you out!" Laura said and I laughed.

"Well then how about we go to our room and I can check you out!" I winked.

"But I'm really tired." Laura said.

"You can't make and love with me because your tired!" I said.

"You don't want me to fall asleep in the middle of sex do you?" Laura asked and I sighed.

"Ok no then lets go to bed and make out." I chuckled.

"Ok fine only for a little bit I'm tired!" Laura said.

"Ok." I said and we went upstairs and got under the covers and started we making out I wanted to rip off Laura's clothes so bad but I knew she was tired all of a sudden I feel her slowing down and I pulled away.

The kiss Sequel to Best Friends brother (raura)Where stories live. Discover now