Lazy day!

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It's been 3 weeks sense the One Direction concert. Good news for Laura's pregnancy! She has a small baby bump and she is 3 months pregnant! As for her pregnancy symptoms lots and lots of cravings! Also, Romeo is 5 months old! He has been starting to roll over and he is a master at sitting up by himself. Sadly, R5 had to leave for a week to Germany and Tokyo for some shows so Laura was home alone with Romeo. As for Laura's movie they are almost done filming. Also, when Ross, Laura, and Romeo went to the lynches house for a family dinner they brought Rascal and Ryland ended up teaching him how to roll over, sit, and stay! Anyways, today is finally a day where Ross isn't busy with R5, Laura doesn't have filming, and they don't need to go anywhere.

I woke up from the toilet flushing and Laura tiredly jumped back in bed. I pulled her to my chest, moving her hair out of her face.

"Today is a family day," I said kissing her cheek.

Laura smiled.

"I'm excited!" She said pressing her lips to mine.

We then made out and before I took things farther she stopped me.

"Rossy, we can have sex almost every night but we never have a free morning together," Laura said, making me smile.

"I agree."

We then cuddled for another 30 minutes then I went downstairs to make a big breakfast. Also, sense Laura and I bought Romeo a high chair it's going to be his first time eating baby food. Laura's really excited.

As I was cooking Laura came down with Romeo in her arms.

"Someone looks tired," I said ruffling Romeos bleach blonde hair.

"Yea he didn't get his normal amount of sleep," Laura said.

"Well, I guess he will have a longer nap," I said putting in the French toast.

Laura then set Romeo in his new high chair.

"I got the peaches," Laura said holding up his baby peaches.

I chuckled and got out Romeos baby spoon and handed it to Laura.

"Hi baby!" Laura said to Romeo and got some baby food on a spoon.

"Here comes the airplane!" Laura said putting it in his mouth. First, Romeo looked confused then he smiled.

"He likes it!" Laura said and I chuckled.

"Just wait until he tries peas," I said and Laura chuckled.

After, Laura finished feeding Romeo his baby peaches she put him on his play mat so we could eat breakfast.

"Rossy, I only have 2 weeks left of filming," Laura said and I smiled.

"We will have more time as a family," I said.


After we finished eating I went to get Romeo out of his play pen.

I started laughing seeing Romeo managed to take his pants and diaper off.

"What's so funny?" Ross asked bring his plate to the sink. I lifted up Romeo making Ross laugh.

"Yep, he is defiantly my son!" Ross said taking him from me.

"I'm going to put a new diaper on him," Ross said going upstairs.

Laura then cleaned everything up and Ross came back downstairs.

"Pants are back on!" I said holding Romeo in one arm making Laura laugh.

"Good now go put your pants on!" Laura said looking at my boxers, making me laugh.

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