Wedding cake+Crying Baby

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Ross's POV

Me and Laura both got in the car and I drove to a cake place and me and Laura walked In to see wedding cakes everywhere and their was also a cake tasting spot.

"Yum this place smells good." Laura said and I chucked and grabbed her hand then a man around 30 came up to us.

"Can I help you guys to today?" He asked.

"Yea we are looking for a wedding cake." I said.

"Ok you can take a seat at the cake tasting spot and I will be right with you ." The guy said and me and Laura went over to the cake tasting then the guy came back over and after we tried lots of flavores we finally found the best one.

"Ok and now would you guys like to pick what it looks like?" The guy asked.

"Yes please." Laura said.

"Ok you guys can go around looking at the cakes and see if you find one." The guy said.

"Thanks." I said.

"So ross do you want a big cake?" Laura asked.

"Yea because then it will last longer."I said and Laura chuckled.

After looking through lots of cakes we saw a really big one that was white and had little pink roses.

"Woah." Laura said.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"I love it!" Laura said

"Me to!" I said and Laura smiled.

"Well lets get it.' I said and me and laura ordered the cake and then got back in the car and drove back to my familys house to pick up romeo and i knocked on the door and ryland answed.

"Hey guys we kinda have a problem.' Ryland said.

"What happend?" Laura and I asked at the same time.

"Romeo wont stop crying and no one knows why and Mom and Dad arent here." Ryland said and Laura and I went inside to see romeo in rockys arms crying.

"Finally you guys are back!" rocky said standing up and laura took Romeo from him and romeo looked at Laura and kept crying.

"Babby whats wrong?' Laura asked.

"Dude how long have he been crying?" I asked rocky.

"Like 30 minuites and we have tried evrything we checked his diaper, tried to feed him, and also tried putting him to sleep and nothing has worked." Rocky said and I sighed looking at crying romeo in lauras arms.

"Laura mabye he wants to be breast fed." I said.

"Oh yea." Laura said and pulled down her shirt and bra and tried to fed him but he refused and me and laura sighed and she put back up her shirt.

"Well thanks for wacthing him we should head home." Laura said and everyone said bye and me and laura left and got home and romeo cried the entire car ride and i got him out of his carseat as he kept crying.

"Laura im getting worried." I said trying to comfort romeo in my arms.

"Me to should I call a doctor?" She asked.

"Yea i think thats a good idea." I said and she called the doctor and she put it on speaker so i could hear.

"Hi my name is laura Marano and I'm calling for Romeo." Laura said.

"Yes laura so what seems to be up with Romeo?" The doctor asked.

"Well we dont know why he wont stop crying, he dosnt need a diaper change, and he is not hungry or tired and we are getting worried." Laura said.

"Well miss Marano Romeo could be crying becasue he might not feel well, he might need to pass gas, or he is just crying for no reason and its perfectly normal.' The doctor said.

'Ok so if he has a fever what should we do?" Laura asked.

"Bring him down to the doctors and we can make sure he is ok and nothing serious is wrong." The doctor said.

"Ok then what do we do if he needs to pass gas?" Laura asked.

"You can set him on a flat surface and lift his botton in the air." the doctor said.

"So then what do we do if he is crying for no reason?" Laura asked.

"You just have to let him cry or mabye try and make him smile or play with him." The doctor said.

"Ok thanks doctor." Laura said.

"Your Welcome." The doctor said and laura hung up.

"Ok lets check him tempure." Laura said and got the thermometer and cheacked his tempture.

"What dose it say?" I asked.

"97 he is fine." Laura said.

"Ok then lets see if he has to pass gas." I said and we brought him to his room and I set romeo on his changing table and fliped him over and lifted up his butt.

"Nothing is-.' I got cut off my romeo farting then he stopped crying.

"Finally." Laura and I said at the same time then i picked him up cuddling him in my arms.

The wedding cake is on my instagram

Ok so guys im sorry for no chapter yesterday that was because my chpater werent saving when i typed them on my I Pod but i tried my computer and it works so sorry about that.

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