Shes ok?

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So we've finally caught a flight back home! Even though everyone is separated on the plane, it's better then nothing. Laura's seem to have calmed down, but her happy bubbly self seems completely dead. I feel the same. Mom keeps giving us updates as in one minute they say there is no hope and the other say she's going to be ok. Once the plane landed we all about ran off, got our luggage, and headed for the hospital.
"We're here to see London Lynch!" I exclaimed running up to the front desk.
"I'm sorry s-."
"Don't you fucking pull this I can't see her bullshit, I'm her father!"
She sighed.
"Fine only the parents allowed."
She told us the room number so Laura and I ran to find the room.
Once we walked in Laura broke down.
There London was in like this incubator type thing attached to wires with doctors all around her.
"Are you the parents?" The what seemed like the main doctor asked.
I nodded, tears threatened to escape my eyes.
"Well she was in very bad condition when she got here, got better, then got worse again." He sighed.
"But my baby is going to be ok right?" Laura cried.
"It's a 50/50 chance here. There seemed to be a problem in developing her lungs, but she has a chance. If she had come in any later she wouldn't have made it."
I nodded pulling Laura close.
"The best thing you guys can do you go home with your son and come back tomorrow morning."
"But b-but-." Laura started.
"Thanks doc."
I shed a tear seeing London as I left the room.
When we got to the waiting room Romeo stared to cry seeing Laura cry and reached out for her.
"Oh my baby boy! It's gunna be ok."
I sighed.
It's gunna be ok, Ross. Everything is going to be ok.
"What do you want strawberries or peaches?" I asked Romeo as I made his dinner.
I sighed, "London is getting special attention in the ICU."
He looked at me like I was an idiot.
"She's on a vacation baby." Laura sighed as her eyes started to water.
"Babe you wanna go take a bath or something? I'll meet you up there."
Tears streamed down her face as she walked upstairs.
I finished feeding Romeo, let him play a little bit, and finally got him to bed.
"Oh sweetheart." I stripped off my clothes and got in the bath with her, wiping her tears away.
"We need to have faith, ok?"
"I'm trying. But Ross this is really hard for me."
"Let it all out, I'm here."
She cried herself to sleep on my lap in the warm bath.
Oh London you better be ok!

Well what do you guys think is gunna happen???
Continue with your awesome ideas!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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