I Hop

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"Good morning beautiful!" Ross smiled.

"Good morning rossy." Laura said.

"I'm hungry lets go eat." Ross said getting up and Laura laughed.

"What's so funny." Ross asked.

"Your naked." Laura said giggling.

"Oh I know you like what you see." Ross said and Laura closed we eyes.

"Never!" She said then ross laughed and put on boxers and Laura got up and just put on a robe and they walked downstairs.

"I'm hungry!" Laura said.

"Me too! lets go out to a nice breakfast." Ross said.

"Ok." Laura said.

"You don't sound excited!" Ross said.

"Sorry ross I'm a little tired!" Laura said.

"Do you still want to go?" Ross asked.

"Yea! I'm hungry!"


"Can I start you two off with any drinks?" The waiter asked.

"I will have some orange juice." Laura said.

"And I will have some hot chocolate." Ross said.

"Ok I will be back with your Drinks shortly." The waiter said and left Laura then leaned her head on Ross's shoulder as he played with her hair.

"Ross I'm going to the bathroom I'll be right back." Laura said.

"Ok wait before you go can i have a kiss?" Ross asked.

"Ok fine." Laura said and kissed his lips then pulled away.

"That was short!" Ross complained.

Laura giggled and got up to go to the bathroom but when she was walking back when a guy really short guy maybe like 5'4 pushed Laura on the wall.

"Hey sexy how about we go to my house and rip off each others clothes and have fun." He smirked.

"How about get the fuck away from her!" Ross said the guy then looked up at ross and then ran away and Laura ran in Ross's arms.

"Thanks Ross!"

"It's my job lets go back to our table!" Ross said and took Laura's hand and they walked back to their table and then they ordered ate then went home.

"Rossy I'm going to take a bath want to come with me?" Laura asked.

"Sure." Ross said and they walked upstairs Laura then turned on the bath then felt a naked ross wrap his arms around Laura's waist.

"Hey laur are you going to get in?" Ross asked.

"Yea I just waited for you." Laura said.

Ross smiled then got in.

"Damn it's hot!" Ross said and turned in the cold water.

"Oops sorry." Laura said and was about to get in.

"No Laura wait a second It's really hot." Ross said and stood up and half his body was red.

"Holy shit I'm sorry ross!" Laura said.

"No sweetie it's fine." He then sat back down when the water was perfect and turned of the cold.

"Ok Laura you can come in." Ross said and she got in and sat across from him she then splashed him and laughed.

"Haha I got your hair wet!" Laura said.

"Oh you think that's funny don't you." Ross said.

"Yep." Laura said laughing then ross laughed.

"Hey um I have to go shopping today but only for like an hour." Laura said.

"Can I go?" Ross asked.

"Trust me you don't want to go." Laura said.

"Where are you going?" Ross asked.

"You know that store in the mall that sells bras and panties for girls I forgot the name I think Victoria's Secret." Laura said.

"Yea." Ross said.

"Well I need to go there." Laura Said.

"Can I go?" Ross asked.

"But you will be like the only guy won't you feel embarrassed?" Laura asked.

"I don't care and I won't feel embarrassed I'm with you." Ross said.

"Awe your sweet rossy." Laura said and ross pulled her on his lap and started kissing her neck and put his hands on her hips then.

"Rossy please not right now." Laura said and ross sighed and moved back.

"Ok." He said kinda disappointed.

"Ross, I'm sorry." Laura said.

"It's fine" Ross said then Laura got out and went to her fashion room to change.

Ross's POV
I sighed then get out of the bath, drained the water, dried myself off, changed into a black shirt that says rush in white letters, put on jeans then went downstairs on my laptop.

"Um ross are you ok?" Laura asked coming downstairs.

"Yea I'm fine now lets go." I said grabbing my keys then got in the car.

End of POV

Ross and Laura got to the mall and ross took Laura's hand then they walked around intill they found Victoria's Secret and Laura went in and ross followed Laura then went to the bras and was looking around then ross found a manakin.

"Hey Laura." Ross said.

"Yea." She said and looked over and ross took off the manakin's bra and started laughing.

"Ross put that back on!" Laura said trying not to laugh.

"Nope." Ross said then walked up to Laura.

"See I making shopping fun." Ross said.

And Laura laughed then picked up like 6 sports bras.

"Ok ross I'm going to go to the fitting rooms." Laura said.

"Ok I will come in with you." Ross said and Laura gave him the look.

"Ok ok I'll will wait!" Ross said putting his hands up and Laura laughed then tried them on and came out.

"Ok ross I'm going to get these." Laura said going to the cash register.

"Hey no I'm paying." Ross said.

"No ross I can buy my own things." Laura said.

"But I want to." Ross said.

"Ok if you buy them I won't kiss,make out or have sex with you for a week!" Laura said.

"Ok fine you can pay." Ross said and Laura smiled then payed an they left and went home Laura then quickly changed in one of we new sports bras and went down stairs to see ross.

"Ok Ross please tell me what's wrong you look sad!"

He sighed.

"It just hurt when you rejected me it's nothing."

"Ross I'm really sorry I hurt you I still want to make love to you and show our love but I just wasn't feeling it I'm sorry." Laura said.

"Oh." Ross said and looked down then stood up and walked away Laura sighed and sat on the couch thinking.

Sorry for the late chapter I was really tired today!

The kiss Sequel to Best Friends brother (raura)Where stories live. Discover now