Halloween party

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more pictures of the story from this chapter are going to be on my Instagram


Ross and Laura pretty much snuggled the rest of the day then ate dinner snuggled more then went to sleep.

Ross's POV

I woke up in the morning to see Laura with her head under the pillow she looked so cute so I took a picture and posted it on Instagram and twitter.

@rossr5: Laura peacefully sleeping with her baby bump😘happy Halloween!

I then went downstairs and made pancakes with pumpkins on then then I see Laura come downstairs.

"Rossy I don't feel good!" She said putting her head on my chest and I stroked her hair.

"What doesn't feel good?" I asked.

She then pulled away pointing to her lower stomach.

"I'm sorry baby maybe sense it's Halloween a gosht did that to you!" I said and she giggled.

Yea." She said.

"Well lets eat our special breakfast." I said.

"Special?" She asked then I showed her the pancakes and she smiled.

"Thanks rossy!" She said and kissed me then started eating.

"Your adorable." I said and she blushed I then started eating mine and we both finished then we snuggled in the couch and Laura was on her I pad as I was on my phone.

"Rossy why did you post this picture of me?" She asked.

"Because you looked cute!" I said.

"Whatever." She said and I softly kissed her cheek.

"You're always beautiful!" I said and she blushed she then put her I pad down and rested her head on my lap.

"I really don't feel good." Laura said and I stroked her hair.

"Dose down there still hurt?" I asked.

"Yea." She sighed.

"I'm sorry baby do you want pain medicine?" I asked.

"No I don't want anything hurt the baby." She said.

"Oh ok baby hopefully you feel better." I said and she closed her eyes and I put my hands on her stomach.

And put my face by it.

"Hi buddy I can't wait for you to come home please don't hurt mommy it's Halloween today she needs to have fun I love you buddy." I said softly kissing her stomach then looked at her face on my lap to see her smiling.

"I love you ross and I know your going to be the best dad ever!" Laura said making me smile.

"I hope." I said stroking her hair.

All of a sudden she jumped up and ran to the bathroom I followed her then she threw up and I saw dark brown liquid coming down the back of her pants and felt bad and held her hair then she stopped throwing up and was crying.

"Baby it's ok let's just change your shorts it will be ok." I said and she kept crying I sighed and pulled down her shorts and panties to see it was a mess and sighed as she kept crying I then took them off her and got a rag and got it wet and started cleaning her down I feel so bad because she is like having a crying attack after I cleaned her all down I picked her up bridle style bringing her into her fashion room as she kept crying.

"Baby what's wrong please clam down baby." I said and she looked at me.

"I'm r-ruining our h-Halloween." Laura said in tears.

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