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What the hell!!!" Dad said and Laura was crying.

"D-dad." I stuttered.

"ROSS LYNCH!!! Do you remember that rule for the first loud tour no girls on the bus! This is what I was trying to prevent!!!" Dad said.

Laura was now crying her heart out.

"Sweetie, it's ok this is not your fault." My Mom said.

I saw Ryland looking at me with a smirk and I glared at him.

"Ross, I except better then this from you! You can't take advantage of Laura!" Dad said and I felt a tear come down my face.

Yea you think I'm a wimp now I'm crying!

"I understand you guys are growing up but this stuff is meant for at home when you are alone not here." Dad said and Laura and I nodded.

"Go get dressed, Ross." Dad said and I was going to grab the blanket but it was covering Laura and I so I stood up and covered myself with my hands.

"Don't look!" I said and ran to the bathroom and changed. After, I changed I saw Laura at the bathroom door with a blanket covering her body.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Me to." Laura said and I sighed and she went into the bathroom.
I then heard Romeo crying so I got him out if his rocker.

"Morning, bud." I said and changed his diaper and put new clothes on him.

Laura then walked up to me.

"Hey, I'm sorry." I said.

"Can we forget it?" Laura asked and I nodded.

"Well, I think Romeo is getting hungry." I said and handed him to Laura and she started feeding him.

"Oh god! It's 7:30! We have to be off the bus by 8:10." I said and Laura's eyes widened.

"EVERYONE IN THE LIVING ROOM!" Dad yelled and we all went to the living room.

"We are running really late so Mom and I are taking a shower together and same with, Rydel and Ratliff, Ross and Laura, and um sorry but Riker and Ryland." Dad said.

"Hell no!" Riker and Ryland said.

"Oh come on you are brothers." Mom said.

"So!" They both said.

"Wear your boxers." Dad said and they sighed.

"Ok Rydel and Ratliff go first!" Dad said and Rydel handed Cody to mom and they jumped in the shower.

"Ok Ross and Laura your next." Mom said.

Everyone then heard a moan.

"No sex! We have to get going!!" Dad yelled through the bathroom door.

The moaning then stopped.

After, 10 minutes Rydel and Ratliff were out so Laura and I got in.

"This shower is so tiny!" Laura said and I chuckled.

"I know." I said.

I then went on my knees and kissed Laura's stomach.

"Hi baby. Please grow faster." I said making Laura giggle.

We then finished up our shower and got out.

Everyone was then ready 40 minutes later.

"Ok Andre bought as all breakfast inside the venue." Mom said and I picked up Romeo and we all went inside the venue. Backstage there was a gigantic table and the crew, Brandon, Savanna, and Andre were already there.

The kiss Sequel to Best Friends brother (raura)Where stories live. Discover now