"Im might just kill him."

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Ross's pov


"FUCK!" is all I could get out.

I then heard Laura silently crying.

"Baby, it's going to be ok!" I said wrapping my arms around her.

Riker took a deep breath.

"He is around here somewhere," Riker said.

Laura's breathing started getting heavy and her face was starting to go pale.

"Laura, shhhh please calm down its ok," I said pulling her to my arms.

"Riker, get her some water," I said.

"Got it," he said leaving to the kitchen.

"Rossy, h-he could h-hurt Romeo!" Laura cried.

"Baby, trust me there is no way in hell he will put a hand on you nor Romeo!" I exclaimed.

Riker then came back with water for Laura then pulled out a gun.

"For safety and I know for a fact Derek doesn't know you guys live here," Riker said.

Laura took a deep breath after taking a sip of water.

"It's ok baby girl," I said pressing my lips to hers.

"It's will be ok," I said pulling my lips from hers.

"Here," Riker said handing me the gun.

I took a deep breath.

"Also, the police are searching for him," Riker said taking relief of my shoulders.

"Ok good," I said.

"Well I'm going to leave you guys I need to be with Becca and Zach," Riker said and left.

Laura then looked up at me.

"He doesn't know about Romeo nor our new baby and I want to keep it that way," Laura said and I nodded.

"I'm going to protect you, Romeo, and our new baby! Plus, the police are looking for him,"

Tears streamed down Laura's soft cheeks.

"It hurts thinking he r-raping some poor girl," Laura said, saying rape in a whisper.

"I know baby girl and it's going to stop," I said putting my hands on her soft cheeks, wiping the tears away.

Next think I know Laura fell asleep in my chest.

Sense she was asleep I let the tears fall down my face. I can't help it! I'm scared! I don't want Derek hurting my family! I then looked at the gun.

"I might just kill him....."

Sorry for the wait and sorry it's short!!!!!!
Comment ideas!!!!!
Will ross kill Derek??

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