Will anything go right?

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I gasped. I can't believe Savannah would cheat on Ry!

"That's terrible!" I exclaimed.

Ross nodded but took my face in his hands.

"I need you to smile princess," I looked at him with a questionable look.

"It's your birthday we can't let any things get us down today."

I nodded.

"I'll be right back,"

He soon came back with a box of chocolate covered strawberries!

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled getting back into the bath as he fed them to me.

"Your such a dork," Ross laughed. 

I faked pouted.

"But your my dork," he exclaimed.

I giggled. 

Once we got out of the bath all I wanted to do was take a nap. I'm extremely exhausted.

"Ross do you mind if I take a little nap?"

He smiled.

"I was going to ask the same thing,"

Ross and I are currently out for my birthday dinner. This is like the best night ever!

"Ahhhh!" I laughed at Ross's stupid dirty joke.

Tho I was interpreted by a phone call.

"Hello?" I asked.

"L-laura?" Stormie hesitated. Wait what's wrong?

"Yea?" I questioned.

"I r-really hate t-to tell you but....."

"But what?!"

"Little London passed away in her sleep..."

Ross's pov
All of a sudden I was woken by screaming. I jumped up to see Laura who was screaming and crying her heart out. Holy shit!

"Laura, baby?"

She is sleeping.

I leaned up against her.

"Laura, shhhhh its ok. Please wake up! I'm here. Ross is here," I rubbed her back. Soon her eyes opened as she continued to cry.

"S-s-sh-she I-I-is g-g-g-gone!" She cried 0.

"Laura, baby, who is gone?!"

"London! I want my baby!" She screamed.

"Laura, laura, Laura, please calm down. It was just a dream! London is ok!" I pulled her to my chest.

She wouldn't budge. I decided to let her cry it out as I tried to comfort her. A few minutes later as she started to calm down a little she faced me.

"Ca-can we c-call a-and make s-sure L-London is o-ok." She tried calming down.

I nodded.

"Of course."

I quickly dialed Mom's number as I waited for her to pick up.

"Hey so Laura had a bad dream and wants to know if London is ok."

"Oh my gosh poor baby! Well Londom is surprisingly being a little angle right now. I'll send pictures!" She exclaimed.

Finishing up the conversation with Mom I faced Laura with her make up smeared all over her face. Poor girl.

"Don't worry London is ok," She half smiled and nodded.

"I'm going to go wash up,"

"Ok baby,"

I smiled seeing all the cute pictures that Mom was sending of Romwo but my thoughts were soon intrupted by a sound of breaking glass and a loud scream.

"LAURA," I screamed, running into bathroom to see her naked body lay on the floor with blood coming down her leg.

"Oh my fucking shit! Baby what happened?!" I exclaimed. I quickly grabbed a towel wrapping it around her, bringing her to the bed.

"G-glass k-knee," is all she got out. I lifted up the towel to see a fairly large shard of glass in her knee. Luckily it wasn't deep.

"Crap! Ok baby this is going to hurt a bit,"

Well more like a lot.

"AHHHH OUCH," Laura screamed as I took the glass out of her skin.  Grabbing some alcohol I rubbed it across her knee and wrapped it in a towel.

"I'm sorry baby today just isn't you day," I sighed pulling her to my chest where she silently cried. I feel so fucking bad! I mean it's her birthday for gods sake! Fuck Ross it's your fault! You should have stayed home with her so she could be around the kids and have a good time! I mean she could have gone clubbing with Riker and Rocky and had a blast!

"Thank you, Ross."

"For what?" I asked looking into her beautiful brown eyes.

"For being the best husband ever. When things go bad your always there no matter what and I love that about you." She smiled.

"But baby it's your 21st birthday today," I frowned.

"Ehhh age is just a number," she giggled.

I smiled.

As the night progressed things soon got better. We messed around a lot like I would throw her over my shoulder, being careful of her knee, and just run around the hotel room. We soon decided to stay in the room and order room service. Of course I'd rather take Laura to a fancy dinner but because of her knee she isn't feeling to well.

"Ohhhhh sushi!" Laura exclaimed going through the menu.

I jumped up next to her looking at the menu over her shoulder

"Anything you want!"

She looked back giving me one of her beautiful smiles.

"What do you want?" She asked.


"Fatty!" She giggled hitting my stomach.

"Fat? Look at these abs!" I lifted up my shirt.

"Fat!" She giggled.

"Oh that's it!" I picked her up bridle style as screams and laughter escaped her lips. I gently threw her on the bed, getting on top of her.

"Now what did you call me?" I smirked.

"Uhh. Ross there is a spider on you!"

"AHHHH FUCK SHIT SHIT GET THE HELL OFF!" I screamed jumping up and down, totally embarrassing myself. Ok so I don't act like this but anything I can do to make Laura happy in any way I'll do it!

There she laid laughing her head off.


"Room service!" A lady knocked on the door.

"Food!" Laura exclaimed.

I chuckled getting up and answering the door. There we got our food sushi, a burger, chips, ice cream, and cake. It's fucking awesome! Once the lady left we set up a little fort, got in our pajamas, and decided to watch Tammy. Sure it might not be the best 21st birthday but doesn't mean we can't cherish these moments we have together.

Finally I updated! Ahhhh don't hate me.
But please please please comment some ideas! I haven't been updating as much because I'm running out of ideas!
25 comments for the next chapter?

The kiss Sequel to Best Friends brother (raura)Where stories live. Discover now