“Hmm let me think. I have an older brother who’s a lawyer and I had a pet clam when I was six.” He laughed at the thought.

“Was it a very well behaved pet?” I asked thinking it must have been as interesting as, a pet rock.

“Oh yes, he would sit and stay, but he was very lazy, he wasn’t keen on going for swims.” We both laughed.

“I had a pet guinea pig, she was my favourite little munchkin,” it had been ages since I had thought of her or anyone from back home. “I miss Paul,” I mumbled.

“Didn’t you say it was a girl?” Sebastian asked confused. I nodded.

“I was talking about my brother. He was really the only one at home who cared about me. Even if he’s a lazy waste of space.” I closed my eyes again. What time was it? “Keep going,” I added. There was long period of silence. The clock ticked and the distant rumble of the street outside mixed with our steady breaths were the only sound. I opened one eye and found him staring down at me. “Is there something on my face?” I asked rubbing my face. I instantly stopped remembering last time. Funny how things have a tendency to repeat themselves.

I looked away and to the room, it wasn’t messy, but it could do with a tidy up. Then something to the side caught my eye. It took me a minute to register what it was. I suddenly bolted out of Sebastian’s arms across the room and picked up the photo frames that were sitting on the table. The brightly coloured photograph shone at me. The first was from way back in Australia with Sebastian caressing my face. The second was at the patisserie with him playing that stupid spoon feeding trick. There was another one with all the sisters surrounding me on one of their visits. And the last was of just me all dolled up at the graduation. I didn’t’ even remembers anyone taking it. To be honest I didn’t see anyone take any of the other photos.

I felt Sebastian behind me but I ignored him trying to remember the exact time these were probably taken. I felt him kiss my neck and hold onto my hips. I subconsciously tilted my head to the side to let him continue. So this one was taken by Earl, I knew that for certain. That must have been taken by that ditzy fan girl; I bet she had a million better ones stashed away in her room. Only Sebastian could have taken this one and…

I let out a sudden groan and Sebastian continued. Oh my god, what were we doing? I instantly pushed at him. Thankfully he stopped but what I didn’t expect was that smug grin across his face. I sat on the floor in shock.

“What were you doing?” I asked surprisingly out of breath. I didn’t like how calm he was. He returned to the couch and reclined back, never once loosing eye contact with me. “What were you trying to do?” I asked again, nerved by the lack of conversation.

“I was just marking you,” he answered simply.

“YOU WHAT?” I yelled my hand inching up to my neck. I couldn’t feel anything. “What do you mean by ‘mark’?” I asked paranoid. He tapped his neck and I rushed over to the hallway mirror and practically screamed when I saw the little blemish begin to appear in the side of my neck. “You gave me a flipping hickey,” I instantly dashed to the freezer and took an ice cube, it would melt quickly due to the saltwater, so I had to be fast. While I was at it I chucked a spoon in the freezer. My brother had come home countless times with them, so we use to repeatedly keep a spoon in the freezer. I rubbed the cool lump over my neck hopefully reducing the swelling.

“Why are you making a big deal out of it?” he asked across the room. I turned and glared at him. I could have easily thrown something at him. It was a big deal, these things could last over a week. I went through half a dozen ice cubes and my icy cold spoon until my neck felt numb. I retreated to the bedroom and slammed the door shut. I had only been back an hour and things were already heading downhill. I grabbed a pillow and the blanket off the bed and rested against the door creating a blockage as it had no lock. Laying down on the floor I feel asleep letting the jet lag kick in.


I woke feeling someone patting my head. It was now dark and I ached from the hard floor. I peered into the darkness. Just the familiar empty room, laid in front me. I was about to nod off again when I felt another pat. I looked up to see an arm flailing awkwardly above my head. Like a cat, I instantly sprung away cocooning myself in the blankets. Slowly the door opened and Sebastian drifted in, rubbing his arm. I must have rolled away from the door a little so that only his arm was able to fit through.

Seeing me in the middle of the floor wrapped up to my neck with a petrified expression, he swam over and curled around me softly kissed my cheek, before resting his head on my shoulder.

“Sorry for scaring you,” he whispered. He gently bundled me up and placed me on the bed, chucking the pillow from the floor, up next to me. Slowly he unwrapped me the coldness leaking in. “The couch isn’t really comfortable,” he explained. “Though I’m guessing the floor was probably worse.” He smiled at me and draped the blanket over the both of us.

‘Just as you go to bed, brush your scales across his,’ Genevieve’s words echoed. I scooted over closer and ever so delicately moved my tail to brush against his.

“You heart is not saying what your actions are suggesting. So please, for your sake, stop tempting me.” he said breaking the silence. I instantly shot back to the opposite side of the bed. “Don’t let Genevieve press you into making her great great grandchildren so readily,” he explained, annoyed he rolled over away from me. I felt like I was going to faint, or possibly puke as the horrid realization slammed into me like a semi-trailer. I cringed at the thought of going down the path of childbearing. What a desperate Great grandmother-in-law. I will admit that I was pretty stupid for listening to her. I felt Sebastian reach over and take a hold of my hand giving it a gentle squeeze. “Don’t let Genevieve bother you. You go at your own pace, and I shall follow along side you,” he whispered softly kissing my hand, before drifting off to sleep.


Ok, this was a bit of an iffy chapter to write. I'm not a flirt so I didn't know what were subtle ways of doing it. (mysterious look, physical touching, and brushing scales...neh)  Genevieve honesty isn’t an evil s in-law (well maybe a little). She just desperately wants the Great great grandchildren and is giving her a shove.

Anyway I need to know what you guys think, and give me some suggestions on what you would like to see happen (no promises that I will use them).

Also, would you guys mind if later down the track, they both went to the land to meet Aubrey’s parents *dun dun dun daaa*. Or would the ‘fin to leg’ thing kind of ruin it? I’m not sure if I should go there or not.

Also I just got my scuba diving licence, so now I can write with a little more hands on experience of the underwater world. (Once legs and back are better errr)

Leave a comment on what you think.

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