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Meanwhile, back in Paris, at the Eiffel Tower, fireworks are being set off for the end-of-the-school-year dance for Jacques Thibaud School. As Marinette walks to the tower's elevator, she thinks she sees Luka and waves to him. He waves back then motions for her to follow him. She looks at him with a raised eyebrow as he starts running in the opposite direction.

‘Where is he going Tikki?’ Marinette whispered as she started to go after him.

‘I don’t know Marinette’ Tikki replied.

She got her phone out of her clutch purse and tried calling him, but there was no phone signal.

‘No signal’ she scowled. ‘What is he up to?’

‘Well he did say he has a surprise for you Marinette. Maybe this is it?’ Tikki replied.

‘’s so hard to keep up in these shoes!’ she panted. ‘Luka, slow down!’ she called, but he just looked back and motioned for her to keep following him.


Meanwhile, Luka was walking to the school dance, enjoying the sounds of the fireworks in the distance as he carried his violin case.

He smiled to himself. This is going to be a great night. I get to dress as my favourite influential violinist and also perform a new song for my sweet Marinette later. Tonight just couldn’t get any better.

Then he saw what looked like Marinette in the distance waving to him.

Luka smiled and waved back then she motioned for him to follow her.

He blinked in surprise and intrigue as he followed her, trying to call her on his phone, but there was no signal.

He smiled to himself. I wonder if she has a surprise for me too he wondered as he followed after her.

Both Marinette and Luka followed who they thought was the other to DuPont High School.

Where is my love taking me? Marinette and Luka both wondered at the same time as they entered the school from different directions as they both followed them towards the art room. Little did they know, Felix and Kagami were waiting for them.


Meanwhile, Ashleigh smiled when she saw Amber and Zoe arrive at the dance in the Koothrapali’s limo, where Joshua, Owen, Baljeet, Jameela, Amber and Zoe got out.

Zoe wore the beautiful yellow dress Marinette had made for her with a yellow corsage. She looked like a movie star.

 She looked like a movie star

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SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt